Quotes added on Monday, November 3 2008

remeber when you held my hand?
remember when we huged?
remember when you said everything was going to be okay?
remember when we had our first kiss?
remember when you told me you loved me?
remember when i cryed and you held me tight?
remember when we danced with no music playing?
remember when we talked for hours that night?
remember when people said we were perfect for each other?
i loved those days

remember when you said we had to talk
remember when you said it wasnt working
remember when you told me it was time to go sepret ways
remember when i started to cry...this time you didnt hold me tight
remember when you kissed me one last time
remember when you walked away and left me there?
im never going to forget cause baby you were the one ..the only one</3

true story...i miss you</3
               we hide to be found
    we walk away to see who will follow
  we cry to see who will wipe away the tears
& we let our hearts break to see who will fix them

credit to: DragonFruit.

"your moms chest hair!"

-janice ian;;mean girls

that movie is lovee
you just wanna scream in their face:

why don't you love me back?

should i do more like these?rate + if u think so

Any guy can love a million girls.
But it takes a Real guy to love
one girl in a million different ways.

Rate High If You Agree!

-Got this in a text and really liked it!

then please

don't make me wait forever

I Am Away

ily (name)
this ain't no fairy tale

we all don't get what wish for</3
I L O V E Y O U !
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