Quotes added on Thursday, October 9 2008

People change ... yea I know, but what happens when people change too much? If they change for the worse do you let go? Or when people change for the better do you hold on tighter && forget the past? What happens when people grow up && grow     apart? As we get older we all change, meet new people && forget the good memories we had. No matter what happens we have to let go sometime, but what happens if I don't want to?
Boys are for kissing
Arms are for hugging
S.l.u.t.s are for
Bestfriends are there when that boy is kissing that s.l.u.t and all you really need is a hug!!

til the end of time <3

It's not how you forget,
But how you forgive.
Not how you listen,
But how you understand.
Not what you see,
But how you feel.
It's not about how you let go.
It's how you hold on.
Pull up a chair sit on the floor
I'll tell you a story you've heard before.
One bright day in the middle of the night
Two dead boys got up to fight
Back to back they faced each other
Pulled out their swords and shot each other
The deaf police man heard the noise
Saved the lives of the two dead boys
If you don't believe this lie is true
Ask the blind man he saw it to!


comment i take requestsss

just keep on chasing pavement ;
don't tell me if i'm dying 
           'cause i dont want to know

dont wake me because im dreaming.
i'll tell you im okay, hoping you know that i'm not
i'll tell you to go, hoping you'll want to stay
but, ill tell myself i dont need you
     knowing, when you leave
they'll be a mess to clean up.

you know you found the right person
when instead of seeing your imperfections
you feel like the luckiest person ever
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