Quotes added on Wednesday, September 10 2008

i bet he doesn't know that underneath my make-up
i have unperfect skin.

i bet he doesn't know that underneath my strength
i have weakness.

i bet he doesn't know that underneath my happiness

i have tears.

i bet he doesn't know that underneath my truths
i have lies.

i bet he doesn't know that underneath my shyness
i have boldness.

i bet he doesn't know that underneath my insecuritys
i have confidence.

i bet he doesn't know that underneath my heart
i have him.

at school...
the only reason i go,
is for the super cute boys
maybe i don't know who i am.
        but, life's here to teach us
          and we're here to learn.

*mostly mine. some=b4u.
I got a lot to say to you
Yeah, I got a lot to say
I noticed your eyes are always glued to me
Keeping them here and it makes no sense at all

When will love ever find me? All my life all I have craved is to be seen
Who cares anyway? Cuz when it's over all that matters is the love you gave away

I never knew it was possible to love
a person so much, yet fall more in
love each day.

some what minee.

You can't buy friends.....You have to Earn Friendship.
Its hard to say goodbye, even if it is jus for the Nite!
Yeven though i said i wont forgive you for what you did and said and even though i said it will never work out again between us.Its just those little moments like when you smile or laugh that just reminds me of what we had and what it turned out to be and what it will never be.And it sadens me in the heart and i just wish you would take back what you said and i would take back what i said and non of this happens i just wished though that we could be together.I say to myself i dont like him but im just kiding miself inside i know that i still 
                              LOVE YOU  Y

A kid asked Jesus "how much do you love me?''
Jesus replied "i love you this much",
streched his arms on the cross and died for us.

-- if you believe in the guy who made this world then repost thiss...

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