Quotes added on Monday, April 30 2007

because starting today shes
n e v e r l o o k i n g b a c k
Why do people make a big deal out of break-ups? All it is 2 simple words..."we're over."
do you ever w_o_n_d_e_r
if that boy you like-no-you love,
ever thinks about you?¿
if he ever w*i*s*h*e*s
that you were in his arms
that you were his baby
that you were his dream
that you were his life
--well ive wondered
&& all it makes me do
is cry
he's all i talk about
he's all i think about
he's all i dream about
he's all i whisper about
he's all i giggle about
he's all i ever wanted
-- && he has no idea//
Him: I love you.
Her: *Laughs* Sorry, Im allergic to bullshit.
Everyone has made a mistake where they just have to stop and think. Everyone has regretted making that mistake too. But has everyone stopped to think that it is in the mistakes that we learn not to make them again. It is in the mistakes in which we break down and realize what we did wrong. And it is in the mistakes in which we find ourselves.
tOo often we don't realize
what we have until its » gone « ____
___tOo often we wait too long to say
"Im sorry, I was wrong." __________
Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones
_____we hold *dearest* to our hearts
and we allow foolish things to______
__________t-e-a-r our lives a-p-a-r-t
The girl who seemed unbreakable broke.
The girl who seemed strong crumbled.
The girl who always laughed it off cried.
The girl who never gave up finally quit.
there's something i need to tell you.
i love you, you know that i do, but..
i am just scared of so many things.
i am scared of feeling this way, &
i am scared of being so vulnerable.
but most of all, i am really scared of
[ l . o . s . i . n . g * y . o . u . ]
Piece by piece, shred by shred.
Sooner or later, you'll be outta my head.
My head won't hurt, my heart won't ache.
I won't have a soul full of hate.
Even though you're gone with someone new,
I'll always have the memories of you
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