Quotes added on Friday, September 22 2006

There will always be that empty place in my heart where he belongs..</33
iTS a little more then L O V E....
Her:Baby, do you think I'm fat?
Him: NO! You're skinny
Her:Ok, Am I Ugly?
Him: NO Baby, You're Absolutly Gorgeous.
Her: Do I have a spot in your heart for me?
Him. Absolutly, I would straight up D I E for you.<333
Trust is like a vase: once it's broken, you can put it back together, but it will never be the same.
i live in a world full of people.
i live near people; people who i supposely taught that loved me.
i'm not popular, so many people don't like me.
i can't get no guys around me, because i'm not like the other girls.
i have parents & friends that are likes bees; they sting me in the butt every now & then.
i live this life; where i am myslef.
i can't make people change; so i change myslef. changing myslef is not gunna change anything on the outside .. just the inside.
i think its the outside that people look & listen too; never the inside.
i just live this life; & all i can do is laugh.

-- nikita.
Well, I thought I could have it all; a happy ending, prince charming, my own fairytale, a fairy godmother, and my very own castle. Well I guess Disney was wrong-- and I'm SUEING.

100% mine- no taking
theres never a right time to say goodbye
but i gotta make the first move cause if ii'
don't your gonna start hating me cause ii
really don't feel the way i once felt about
you boy it's not you it's me ii gotta figure
oOut what | ii n e e d | <3 - chriis brown

im for edits lovexyaxdoll
Im the type of Girl
who will burst out laughing in dead silence becasue of something that happened yesterday!

im for edits lovexyaxdoll
ALWAYS know the difference between loving someone with your mind and loving someone with your heart because love is blind.

all mine
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