Quotes added on Monday, June 26 2006

Sometimes life is so perfect isn't it?
It has to be, to make up for all the hard
stuff it throws your way. You have to
learn to walk, you have to learn to talk,
you have to wear that totally ridiculous
hat your gramma bought you. You have
no say in the matter. & when you're a
little older, even though you get to choose
your hats, you don't get to choose what
they put in those meatballs in the cafeteria
..or when to fall in love..Things happen,
& you just have to deal with it - How to Deal
~*!*~ My imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental problems... ~*!*~
This is to the ones who
have always been there
when the world shut me out.
This is to the ones who cared.
Memories.Tears.Phone Calls
No one can replace the times we've had
and what we have been through.
Best Friends Forever. <33
bestfriends are people who make your
problems, their problems .. just so you
don't have to go through them alone
Boy : do you still like me?
Girl : I dunno
Boy : well...it's a yes or no answer
Girl : I dunno I'm so confused
Boy : oh
Girl : but why does it matter? you gotta new girlfriend,
you've moved on.
Boy : just because I gotta new girlfriend doesn't mean I don't still love you
one week you say you love me, then the next you’re ignoring me. one night i cry about missing you, the next from the joy of kissing you. i think i’m just part of your little plan. Well i’ve got news for you GROW UP AND ACT LiKE A REAL MAN
now i’ll write i love you down the same
number of times you said it to me &&
i’ll shove the pages down your throat
so you can use them on the next girl
who thinks she’s your world
he has noo idea what goes on though her mind
S H E `S S O G O O D A T P R E T E N D I N G
he will never know how many tears are fallen each
night for him- nor the endless hours that she wastes
thinking maybe--- just maybe
They'll look at each other, exchanging glances, but don't talk to one another because they're afraid of taking chances
You don't know what you've got until it's gone
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