Quotes added on Saturday, July 10 2004

once you [fall in love]
..you're not supposed to fall out..
SuMtiMeS i fEeL LiKe i cAnT MaKe iT
TimEs gEt tUfF n i jUs CaNt TakE iT
SUmtiMeS i FeEl liKe i wOnT mAKe It tHrU
ThAtS WhEn i ThAnK gOd 4 fRienDz LiKe U
~never thOught a relatiOnship sO strOng
cOuld end up tO be sO wrOng
its realy [ p a t h e t i c ]
how i keep trying to
[ h o l d o n ] to something
thats not coming [ b a c k ]
i SiT hErE aNd WoNdEr Y dOnT yOu LoVe Me
Y dOnT yOu CaRe..I sIt HeRe AnD tHiNk To MySeLf
..i LoVe YoU..bUt Y iZ tHaT fEeLiNg FeEl UnFaIr
YoU DoNt LoVe Me AnD pRoBlEy NeVeR wIlL..
bUt YeT i'lL lOvE yOu StiLL
You left me with no explanation
And I know its true
You don't even love me no more
Well forget you I'm through
LoOk In My [E.y.E.s]
n YoU WiLL [s.E.e]
XaCtLy WuT uVe [D.o.N.e]
-nD sAiD tO [M.e]
i LoVeD yOu sOo [M.u.C.H]
bUt YoU mUsTa [F.o.R.G.o.T]
tHo i OnLy [S.a.W]
wHaT i WaNtEd tO [s.E.e]
yOu ToLd Me ThAt [y.O.u]
rEaLLy HaD LoVeD [M.e]
_*-WhEn ThE oNe yOu LoVeD SeD
hE wUdNt Be LyK tHe OtHeRs
BuT ThEn FvCkEd yOu OvEr ToO?
Sometimes I wonder. I wonder that perhaps
we really weren't meant to be. Perhaps you
were here to teach me a lesson. Even
though my heart says it loves you more than
anythiNg in all eternity, ... something tells me
that all this pain, all these fears, anD all the
emotions you e v e r caused.. It's here to
teacH me a valuable lesson. So when I
really Do meet the person I love in all
eternity, I won't make the same mistake I diD
-- w i t h y o u --
A stolen glance, he looked this way…
must be my chance, must be my day!
His eyes a gentle gaze… he spoke the words so soft and true…
"*tell your friend I love her, will you*?

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