
Joined: February 15, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 67265
hey everybody,
my names meredith, mere forr shortt. i am thirteen, and a tadd bit hormonal at times, but dontt judge.
i loove musicc, i listen to it about 24/7, even in school, when i can(:
if you ever need help or advicee, you cann comment me heree.!
summmerrtimee !

im moving to kansas.

Quotes by xfieldhockeyxx


lyrics to nevershoutnever! losing it ! love him sososo muchh! he is amazingg. fade is all minee. rate please(:

hey everyone on witty, i have a questionn..
haha okaay, so im moving to kansas=/, and i was wonderingg, if any of youu live there, do you like itt? what  are some popular sports? is it like warm or coldd?
haha thankss so muchh!

& we all have thaone boy *
you know, the one that we all want, but we know we can't have?
the one who always seems to make you laugh, and smile.
the one who makes you forget your fears, and you feel better around him?
the one boy, that we always smile about when we think of them.
how our hearts always seem to beat a little faster when we see them in the halls.
that one boy, who's always been there for you.
that one boy, who you've spent countless nights crying over.

alll minee, the idea, for we all have that one boy, from somewhere on here, otherwise, credit for everythingg, including fade! rate or hate(:



i dont love him becaushe's perfect...
i love him because he's  not.

dont know if this one has been put on here before, if so no creditt to me, got inspiration from the book my sisters keeper, fade credit to whatwaitxx12, rate high please!(:

my heart hurts
my throat gets all choked up
my eyes fill with tears
i feel like i cant breathe
i feel all tangled up inside
i have an ache in my stomach


&& ive learned. . .
to take the good with the bad
to smile every chance i get
to be happy when i can
it’s okay to cry sometimes
forgive quickly&love deeply
be nice to your enemies
keep your hopes high
but your expectations low
but most importantly
have fun, and have no regrets!

mine, credit please.


&& it just hurts when...
you seem him with

all minee! full creditt for everythingg. rate/comment please(:



&& it just hurts when...
your so called “best friends
dont even look at you anymore.
 alll minee, took some time haha. credditt(: do you thinkk i should start a series?
today, im gunna start fresh,
im gonna grab my ipod
im gunna forget him, all the drama
blast the music
and just celebrate
being alive

alll minee.! ratee pleasee! creditt.

 and boy, you were my
favorite mistake

its so true, he broke my heart, but i dont regret any of it.
[alll minee.! creditt]