
Joined: July 17, 2011
Last Seen: 6 years
Birthday: June 24
user id: 196138
Location: Pennsylvania!
Gender: F
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If I'm louder, would you see me? Would you lay down in my arms and  rescue me? Cause we are the same, you save me, and when you leave its gone again
Hello Wittians!
My name is Brianna!
I live my life in Pennsylvania(:
It's not very interesting up here haha.
I'm sixteen years old and happy to finally be driving!
My birthday is June 24, summer baby(:
I love One Direction(obviously)
Justin Bieber<3
and Cody Simpson!
Whenever I'm sad I look at pictures of Niall! (: His smile makes me happy!
I'm also a cheerleader!
I cheer varsity for my school's high school team <3
Cheering is my life and I also coach.
So if you ever want tips, I'm your girl because I believe that everyone should
have a chance to do what they love so I'm always here to help.
Feel free to ask! (:
I love Zebra Print everythinggg! My room is all zebra! (:
I am also an easy to get along with kind of person!
I love meeting new people so feel free to chat me uppp!
OOh and if you don't like One Direction, please don't "ignore" me because
my profile has them on it, haha.
I don't post quotes about them because I KNOW it makes people angry.
I save that for tumblr haha, I make regular quotes:P
SO follow me pleasee! *; I always follow back! *;
Oh and my best friend is Addis, well more like my only friend and I love her
and she is beautiful, and you should follow her:


Quotes by xcheerleaderrx

You always come when you're not wanted, when I've moved on, when I'm somewhere worth being. Always at the wrong time.
Learning by Exampe.

I am going to be writing a story called learning by example. it is based off of my college essay that I recently wrote
and is a story about my life and the things I went through to become the person I am today. I cried numerous times writing my essay and I feel like it would turn into a good story so I am deciding to make it one. I know that this is going to be very emotional for me to write, but I think its time for me to get these emotions out of my system. this will be my first ever sotry and I'm pretty excited (: 







They say that life has to get worse
before it gets better,
but how much worse does
it have to get?







Sometimes I just want to cry in front of you
So you can see how much you mean to me


Sometimes I stay awake at night and think about how different it would be if I hadn't ignored you.

I miss you


I'm afraid to tell you
how I feel </3

I honestly thought you were better than that, but I guess I was wrong. 
I'm always wrong, right?
You always make yourself seem right, and make me look like the bad guy. 
Have a nice life, and stop messing with my head. 
Please and thank you!

Dear girls  who dis cheerleaders,
» No. they are not called "those flips"

They have names: backhandspring, back-tuck, aerial, etc..

Sincerely, learn them before you hate or else you just sound stupid.


Now all we need is a

button to ignore people

in real life!


Format by Sandrasaurus

Lets all take a moment
and be thankful,
that spiders don't fly.
