
Joined: April 29, 2006
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 36760
hi my names natalie.this is my old name thing soo yea i stop doing this for a while but im starting again...im me anytime you want

Quotes by xXpartygal928Xx

its not you falut so please stop your crying now</3
&& sometimes
you have to
put it all behid
you & move on
its gonna hurt
but you have to
its life<3
she turns away
a tear hits the ground
shes scared
she still loves you
cut my wrist & black my eyes
so i ca fall asleep tonight or die
becasue you kill me</3
-ohio is for lovers
is a sport you dont think so becase we olny preform when our rouittnes are prefect you dont see the hours, weeks, moths so shut your mouths it is a real sport
its like climbing a mountian with the boy you love the being thrown back down basically it hurts</3
you wore gonna break my heart x3
maybe then i wouldnt feel this pain
love is like a picture sometimes you color out of the lines & sometime a colors dosnt look like you want it to but it then end it turns out 1 of 2 ways
horrible or beautiful
your little girl grew up too fast
shes been broken too much ,
shes delt with everything herself
now shes hates life & she wants to quit
she tired of felling this pain</3
why should i be suprised;
i was always second best