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Quotes by tuckah22

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart,
and the very next day, you gave it away

oh wait, that’s every day...

& I just ran out of band-aids
i don't even know where to start
\\ cause you can bandage the damage //
you never really can fix a heart   



When you'rstuc 

\\ between two, who do you choose? //

The one that you love, or the one who loves you ? 



 & I Can't Believe         
 a simple 'Hi' in the hallways
  makes me get butterflies


& you played my heart

Like you play video games .



              we will never forget those who lost their lives


There I was again tonight, 

\\ forcing laughter, faking smiles //

same old tired lonely place . 


The number one thing we learned
when we were kids was to not  talk

& the number one thing we do on here...?
 t a l k  t o  s t r a n g e r s .

we learn well.


most popular name that you
gave to every thing as a kid?

Bob & Fred 

& my 11:11's<<

//don't come true\\
because if they did, I would be sitting next to you  ♡