
Joined: February 5, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 100394
my name is taylaah;

and i think your sexy. im thirteen years of age. no, i dont have a boyfriend. mon-fri i keep my head down at school. weekends, you never know where you can find me. i look older than i am. i act it too. i adjust my life to quotes. and i adjust quotes to my life. ive been in love, i dont care what you say, about how im too young to be in love bllah blah. but i have. and i roll like that.

"im not trying to make a clean impression, but i open my books not my legs."

+:- boy cooties, money, iPod, clothes, shoes, ed hardy, beach, dc, computer, witty, myspacem, sun, michael jackson, tanning, swimming, hugging, kissing, air conditioners, fox, element, bam, etc.

-:- wind, lightning, thunder, rain, letting go, goodbyes, b.o, maths, smoking, bitches, heart breakers, being questioned, rejection, etc.

Quotes by taaylaah


for hours all we do is s m i l e
this 'happy place' is SO worthwhile.
the slumber claims me in a d a z e,
the world erases

b u t h e s t a y s

i want to paint a picture,
a picture with a twist;
i want to paint a picture,
a picture on my wrist;

and when i paint this picture,
a fountain will appear;
and if i press down hard enough,

a l l  t h e p a i n w i l l d i s a p p e a r ;

girl: rumor has it, you like me.

no, truth has it, i love you.

if you were the wood, i'd be the fire.
if you were the love, i'd be the desire.
if you were a castle, i'd be your moat,
and if you were an ocean,
i'd learn to
f  l  o  a  t
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

life's like novel with the end ripped out
the edge of a canyon with only one way down

there's no such thing as fairy tales,
so don't expect to live one.
laugh when your happy,
from when your said.
don't be afraid to let the tear drops fall.
dance to the beat of your heart.
& when love knocks on your door;
let it in.
don't be afraid to take risks;
play in the rain;
swim in the ocean.
accept that your ♥ will get broken..
once, twice or a thousand times;
but you will love again.
sing in the shower & dance in the mirror.
roll the windows down; sing to the world;
and let the wind blow your hair;
make mistakes; don't regret them.
realize there is no Mr Right;
but if he loves you.
let him.
he won't be a knight in shining armour;
he won't sweep you off your feet - but he will catch you when you fall
he's not supposed to make you happy; or happier.
find happiness in yourself;
it is there if you look for it.
take lots of pictures with goofy faces.
eat popsicles and read the jokes on the stick.
live your life;
to make you smile;
& make it worthwhile;
cherish the moments you have;
because one day it will be all gone.
love is faith;
faith is blind;

love takes chances;
chances cause fear;

love is patient;
patience is weary;

love takes strength;
strength causes weaknesses;

love is pain;
pain is heartache;

love is wealth;
wealth is power;