The Quiet*

Status: I'm Sorry
Joined: April 8, 2013
Last Seen: 5 months
user id: 356166
Location: I'm failing somewhere, why does it matter?
Gender: F

<Sweetie, I'm so depressed.>

The Quiet*'s Favorite Quotes

 I'm tired and I don't think I can keep doing this anymore.

The scenery will change
Will you still love me the same?
hope someday we'll get it right.
I'm very dramatic and selfish.
you don't need to remind me.

Happy birthday, Sesame :)
and happy 9th Witty birthday to me!

is anyone still on witty?

 february journal prompts 

28. What do you want to see More of in your life? 

  Regular quotes on here besides these journal entries. 
Sometimes it pays to be--,
a penguin and not a giraffe.
even on the most happiest days, 
some people are 
secretly sad. 

We are still kids but we're so in love, Fighting agaisnt all odds. I know we'll be alright this time. Darling just hold my hand, be my girl I'll be your man. I see my future in your eyes.