
Joined: August 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 206151

                                      I left this account. Come follow me on R4ch3l. Thats my new account. Bye...

Quotes by runawayrachel10

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I will always be here.

but you won't.

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Squidawrd: Would you not stand so close, your making me Claustrophobic.
Patrick: What does Claustrophobic mean?
Spongebob: It means he's afraid of Santa Claus.
Squidaward: No it doesn't!
Patrick: HO HO HO!
Spongebob: Stop it Patrick your scaring him!
I  Got a Gorilla for sale. I gota Gorilla for sale a Gorilla-Gorilla for sale.♥


  Giving Yourself a Hickey.♥




Who else has ever wished
that you were a character on Victorious?


 Was I the only one

 Who didn't know Adele was british?

My dog is my boyfriend
Because, he's loyal, always at your side, and you can tell him anything.

What more could you ask for?

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Format credit: Sandrasaurus

It's impossible to lick your elbow.
Fav if you just tried to. :)

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Happy Valentines day witty!!!
Fav if your single
. Comment if your in a relastionship


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When guys break
up with you, you shouldn't be mad
you should be THANKING them
for letting you know, you weren't the one
for them and that
That there not the one for you.
and you need to go find that guy


Format by Sandrasaurus