
Joined: May 4, 2013
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 359249
Gender: F

Quotes by oh_snap_its_taylor

I created this account when I was 13 and I thought I'd stumbled across something amazing. And it's only been three years, but I'm back. It's March 29th, 2016. I'm in tenth grade now. And from this point onwards I'm gonna keep this as my journal. This is a stupid idea and I may not even pull through with it. But 10:52PM isn't made for rational choices. Right now, if I were to say I've hit a rough patch it would be an understatent. I've been stuck here for so long. But I'm gonna write my way through it. Witty profiles - on this website I get to type what I feel (which is much better than writing rn because i lack the active creatvity to write pretty things). I type what I think and feel and that way I get to express myself in a way that isn't completely controlled by me and on this site I won't feel the need to impress anyone. Well here goes nothing. I'll do anything to get myself to be the person who I want to be. This is so difficult to do on my own. I might be lonely but I need to be able to depend on myself before I can form any sort of bonds with other people. 
I just hate my life when I've spent hours shaving and some inconsiderate a.s.s.h.o.l.e cancels plans. Then I'm just stuck at home with nice and smooth legs all alone.
Today I read some quotes that say "Not all girls are pretty. Not all boys are handsome." And on one of them i saw a comment that said "Yeah that homeless guy living down the street is smoking hot."

So here's what i think...

When some says "everyone is beatiful", you really shouldn't be thinking "Oh well is that homeless guy beautiful? Or is that girl who never takes care of herself beautiful to you!?" THAT IS NOT THE POINT! Of course some one who doesnt take care of themselves isn't attractive!

But when some says "Everyone is beatiful." You should be thinking... "That's true... No one should think they are any less beautiful if they wear glasses or are overweight or if they have acne or freckless or they dont have abs." People who try their best to take care of themselves and have flaws they can't control ARE beatiful!

I hope you're getting the point... that there is a difference between looking like a mess on purpose and feeling ugly because of flaws you can't control.

Like you’ve been running for hours and can’t catch your breath.
The demons are screaming so loud in your head.
You’re tired, you’re broken, you’re cut, and you’re bruised,
but nothing’s too heavy just hold on, I’ll
carry you...
~ Union J - Carry You
To the guys that say "I think all girls are beautiful!"

The day you give the unpopular girl a compliment and make their day I WILL believe you.

Saying it to those popular chicks that get all the compliments would not prove anything.  
Know one will ever really understand how much he means to me.
All my life I've always been a second choice. Too be honest third or fourth choice. I always watch the guys fall for my friends and they never give a sh.t about me. So maybe that's why I was so shocked that even though I didn't know him, he had noticed me. And that's really why I fell for him. He noticed the quite girl, looked past her pretty friends and saw her. <3 Saw me! And I can't thank him enough of the fear that he'll just walk away after knowing the real me. </3
I'm either a sweet and lovely girl or a sassy sarcastic b.tch.

There's no in between.