
Joined: August 27, 2006
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 40015
i LiKE.. LiVE AT THiS WEBSiTE S0ME OF THESE QUOTES ARE S00 CUTE. UMM i SUCK AT RiGHTiNG QUOTES BUT W/E AND i LiKE PiNA C0LADAS AND L0NG WALKS 0N THE BEACH =) ERMM.. KAY BYE! :-P Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic iM ME FOR EDiTZS$

Quotes by kimberleeooxx

god may have delt you the cards, but you choose how you wanna play the hand <333333
'let's make a toast, to never lie, steal, cheat, or drink.
but if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love, if you must steal, steal away from bad company, if you must cheat, cheat death. and if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away"
- hitch <33333333333
love is an ugly, terrible business.
practiced by fools!
it'll trample your heart,
and leave you bleeding on the floor.
and what does it really get you in the end?
nothing. but a few incredible memories;
that you can't ever shake.
-little manhattan <33
TMObiLe is jealous..
cuz' mY sideKicKs are beTTer:-P
when you were little
did you ever spread your
arms out and spin?
It`s like love. Inside,
you're telling yourself to
stop because you might get
hurt, but you don't want
to.. you just want to
keep on spinning
hes the boy i wanna get stuck at the top of the ferris wheel with<33

no credit, but edits
you're only as strong as:
the alcohol you drink, the tables you dance on,
the caffine in your coffee, the hangover from your sugar high
..and the friends in your life :*

edits much
if we were a movie..
you'd be the right guy
and i'd be the best friend
that you'd fall in love with
in the end, we'd be laughing
and watching the sunset
fade to black
show the names..
play that happy song.

- hannah montana . yeah
we close our eyes, and the world has turned
around again. we close out eyes and dream..
another year has come and gone\

--- we close our eyes, allister
she never stopped loving him
just in case he were to ever
change his mind about not
loving her