
Joined: November 18, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 339095
Gender: F

Infinity and Beyond ∞ 
hellloo, I'm Sydneey!
I lovee sports. i do soccer, track, and softball.
I love writing, so i wanted to try writing storys!
I don't really have anything else to say,
if you want to know something comment!
Follow me; i follow backk
Also i would love feedback on my story(: 


Quotes by infinity17

anything but ordinary

Hey guys! i am so sorry about not uploading, alot of people that i dont want to know that a write know about this witty account. So, i am not going to be writting on witty anymore.  I am going to write my storys now on wattpad. My names on wattpad is xinfinity17x.  I will be re writing this story, and my previous story the dreamer on wattpad! I hope you all check it out! thanks(: 

anything but ordinary

Chapter 6
Avery's parents P.O.V

"Hi, we would like to repot a missing child." My voice boomed over the speaker.  
"I cant belive she would dare leave us.  We are her parents!"
"Honey," Michelle soothed. 
"We will get her back, she deserves nothing but to be with us."
I suddenly heard someone over the phone.  
"Whats this girls name?"
"Maddison Stoke, and shes been missing for 3 days."
"Why are you just calling now?" The officers voice was stirn and concerned.
"Becasue, just find her. now." I boomed, as i hung up the phone.  
I looked over at Michelle and saw her crying.
"what?" I spat.
"I miss her, maybe we were always a little harsh on her." She weeped
I walked right up to her and slapped her.  
Im Maddisons father, Im Michelles husband,
im the man, and im the boss of this house.
When Maddison gets back, she will wish that 
she never left.  
Averys P.O.V
Once i got back to the hotel i decided to get my homework over with
before i started getting ready for my date with Chase.  
I was wondering where we would go scince we alrady went out to eat with everyone.  
An hour later i jumped into the shower and 
decided to pick out my oufit for the date.
I decided on a dress that was light blue strapless, 
and had a black bottom like a pencil skirt.  I straightened my hair and looked into the mirror.
For once in my life i thought i looked pretty.
I got a text message from Chase telling me to meet him in the lobby.
I ran downstairs and saw him at the door talking to a man.
I walked up to them and Chases jaw dropped,
"You look beautiful.."


Im sooo sorrry to my few readers! My finals were thursday and friday 
and then i had so much stuff with sports going on! 
Im on a soccer team, 2 softball teams, and a track team, so i have something
pretty much everyday... Sorry this chapter inst that great, i just wanted
to get the parents point of veiw in this and how they react without "Avery" in the house,
and how they feel about her dissapearence.  Again im really sorry and i hope you enjoy! 
I will try to be uploading everyday now!



anything but ordinary

    Hey guys! Im really sorry i havent uploaded in like 5 days!
Finals are this thursday and friday so i really need to be focusing on them!
I will upload either Friday night or Saturday! 
Thank you for being so patient!    

anything but ordinary

Chapter 5
Avery's P.O.V

The rest of the day went by pretty well.  
I couldnt really get what Rachel said to me out of my head.
To stay away from Macey? What would she do to me?
I shook it off and continued walking towards my new friends.
I never really had a ton of friends so i was pretty excited when they asked me to hangout.
Chase, Luke, Rachel, and Marley invited me to go to the pizza parlor right near my hotel.
We all piled into Chases truck and drove there.
When we got there i noticed Macey sitting at a table with her two friends.  
I learned that there names were Morgan and Callie.  
Apparently they were her little slaves.
They did everything for her, everything with her, and followed her everywhere she went.  
Right when we walked in all 3 of them imediatly stopped eating and starred at me.  
"Dont worry about her." Chase assured me.
"Sure." I smiled, "It just seems like she already hates me and i dont even know her."
"Im not going to lie." Marley popped in, "She already does hate you becasue your with us." She smirked.  
"What?" I asked, confused.
"Well," Chase began.  "Me and her used to date." He laughed.
"and?" I asked, noticing how he just stopped talking about it.  
"Well i broke up with her becasue i just couldnt take it anymore.
All she wanted to do was be with me and noone else, its like i never had time for friends and so i dumped her, when i started hanging out with Marley and Rachel, she imediatly hated them."
"Yeah." Marley laughed, "Macey and I used to be best friends."
"Oh," I smiled slightly, "this should be intersting,"
We all got a booth and Chase then asked me to sit with him alone for a few minutes.  
We got up and sat at a table 
"Well," He smirked "I think your really pretty, and i wanna get to know you better." he smiled
"well i already assumed we were going too!" I said jokingly.  
"I mean i wanna take you on a date..." He spoke hesitantly "Would you be able to tonight?" 
"Yes." I smiled id love too.
RIght then we got up and went back over to everyone, 
i excused myself to get a drink, i was so happy rright now i couldnt even contain myself.  
I couldnt beleive the hottest junior in the school asked me out!
Too bad he didnt know my past, and he was never going to either.  
Right as i was paying Macey came up to me.
"I know who you are." She smiled.
"W-what?" I stuttered
"Theres something about you, something your hiding and im going to find out, and i will tell chase.  He loves me, not you." She smirked, confidently walking out the door with Callie and Morgan by her side.  
I slowly walked back over to the table.  
"What did she say to you!?" Rachel hissed, "Ill get her back!"
"Nothing." I smiled, "It was nothing."

Sorry i havent uploaded in a few days to my few readers! 
I have been very busy with sports, and finals coming up next week!
I hope you liked this chapter i was excited to right it so you could meet some new characters!
What do you think about Macey?


anything but ordinary

Chapter 4
Avery's P.O.V

The next morning i woke up at 530 just to be sure i was ready
in time so i could get to school and find out my classes.  
I hopped in the shower and quickely got out, knowing that 
i hadent even thought about what i was going to wear to my first day at a new school.
 I took out all the bags filled with new clothes that i had gotten yesturday, 
and started looking throught them all.

I think i had tried on about 30 outfits before i finally decided on the one i thought looked the best.
I knew from seeing the girls yesturday they didnt look like they were that into fashion.
But scince i was a little girl i always loved trying funky stlyes, 
and now that i was away from my parents, i could wear anything i wanted 
I dont even care what people think of me anymere, im walking in, and making an impression.  
I ended up deciding on  checkered tights, with a grey sweater and a beaded necklace,
considering it was going to be chilly today, around 55 degrees.   
I slid on some black pumps and left my hair narurally wavy.  
I looked in the mirror and smiled at myself, i looked amazing.  
I then thought about Chase, he saw my in grubby sweatpants and a sweatshirt yesturday,
I wonder what he would think about me today.
I quickly ate breakfast and brushed my teeth,  
When i was finished i took one last look in the mirror, and grabbed my bag.  
I went down into the lobby realizing i was acually running a little late.  
I called for a taxi and got in.  
Once i got to the school i gave the guy my money and got out.  
Tons of teenagers were standing around waiting for the bell to ring.  
When i walked up to the door, all eyes were on me.  
Boys smiling at me, and girls just staring blankly.  
I really hope this is a good thing, i thought.
I walked into the front office, and spotted a women sitting at a desk,
"Excuse me." I smiled at her
"Hello, what can i do for you?"
"Um, im new here, do you think i could get my class list and stuff." I asked polietly
"Of course, your name?"
"Avery Real."
"Right here." She smiled, "Go check in with your homeroom teacher."
I spun around, banging into someone as i almost fell.
"Avery?" they asked, it was Chase.  
"Oh, hey." I smiled. "Do you know where this room is?"
"Oh! thats were im going, follow me." he smiled down at me.  "So, anyone stare at you yet?"
"What?" I laughed.
"Well, not to sound creepy, you look pretty good, wouldnt be surprised if any boys came up to you."
"Oh, uh no not really." I laughed
We walked into a classroom, and Chase showeed me over to a group of people.
"Hey guys! this is Avery, shes new here." He smiled, and then looked at me,
"This is Luke, Rachel, and Marley, my best friends"
"Hi" I smiled.  
We all took our seats, and suddenly this flawless girl walked in,
"Whos that?" I asked Rachel.
"Oh, thats Macey, you might want to stay away from her." She smirked 

Avery's outfit;

anything but ordinary

Thanks for all the feedback(: I made my decisions!

Avery is Mila Kunis

Chase is Alex Pettyfer

Rachel is Ariana Grande

Marley is Ashley Benson

Macey is Lucy Hale 

Luke is Niall Horan 
(I forgot to add Luke to the list, but i added him myself)!

anything but ordinary

Hey guys! so before i do my next chapter, i want to get some ideas for characters?
They can be any famous person, i would like characters for
Avery-Dark brown hair and brown eyes, tanned skin.
Chase-beach blond hair, brown eyes, tanned toned body
Rachel- Red hair with any color eyes
Marley- blonde hair with blue eyes
Macey- Brown hair with any color eyes
Any ideas for any of these characters would be amazing! 

anything but ordinary

Chapter 3
Averys P.O.V

"Thanks, Tom." I smiled widely, "and nice to meet you, Chase."
I spoke before getting out of the car and shutting the door.  
I went up to the front desk to see a chubby lady, with short blonde hair.
"Hi." I smiled
"Hi?" The lady spoke, with a mean tone. "What?"
"Well um i was just checking in." I stuttered on my words.
"Alright, do you have a reservation, or are you here to make one."
"Make one." I exclaimed.  
"Sign here, and here and how long will you be staying with us?" She asked,
nicely, after her rude greeting.  
"Um, i will start off with a month, but it might end up being more, or less." I said, shakily.
"Alright.." She spoke suspiciously, "do you have any family up here?" 
"Y-yeah, but anyways, can i get my room?" I asked, kindly.
"this is your room key, we will send you a check at the end of every week,
you may use the elavator, your floor 4, room 206."
"Thank you so much!" I smiled.
When i got up to my room, i sat on my bed and unpacked everything.
I started thinking about Chase, he was so perfect.  
I had brought a lot of extra money from my mom, my parents were very rich and snobby,
exactly why they didnt care for me, they had everything, but
yet they still made me sleep in the atic. Thank god i was out of there.  
I took some of the money out of my purse, about 300 dollars and decided to go
shopping, if i was gonna start my life over i needed a good woredrobe.  
I went outside of the hotel and called for a taxi.
"Is there a mall anywhere near?" I asked the man.  
"yes, about 10 minutes from here, is that were your headed?" 
"Yes," I smiled, "That would be great." 
About 10 minutes later we pulled up to a huge mall 
"T-thanks." I paid him, as he drove off.
I entered the mall and looked at the things around me,
There was so much, and I had never been to half the stores, 
My paretns never let me go shopping, my mom only got me sweatpants
becasue she didnt want me to look good, or even presentable.  
When i was done shopping, and got back to the hotel, i looked into my bags.
Tomorrow is going to be a new start.

anything but ordinary

Chapter 2
Averys P.O.V

"We will be landing in California in about 10 minutes, please fasten your seat belts."
the flight attendant spoke over the intercome.  
I looked out the window, and saw how sunny and beautiful it was.  
When the plane finally landed i got off and went to get my bags. 
I had been standing there for atleast a half hour when i finally saw my 4 bags.  
I grabbed them, and walked outside.  
I saw many cars, and familys greeting eachother with hugs and kisses.  
"So thats what its like to have a loving family.." I spoke quietly, tears dripping from my eyes.
Suddenly a taxi pulled up right infront of me and a tall man got out.  
"Where too, miss?" the man asked, polietly.  
"Um.. " i looked down. "Im not exactly sure."
"What do you mean?" he asked, confused.  
"I, uh needa get to a hotel,to see my aunt but i forget what its called, its close to here" I mumbled
"Well there are only 3 hotels within 20 minutes of here." he smiles at me 
"We can definitaly find it."
"Thank you so much!" I smiled
"No problem, but first, i need to pick up my friends son at school, is that okay? its on the way" 
"Of course." I laughed
A couple minutes later we pulled into a parking lot with tons of kids walking around.  
"I think this is were im going to be going to school." I said
"Really?" The man asked, "How old are you?"
"just turned 16, so ill be a junior if i come here." 
"My friends son is a junior!" he laughed "Maybe he could show you around"?
"Thatd be nice." I smiled
Right then the most mesmorizing boy walked out of the school
He was very tall and tan, with beach blonde hair and light glowing brown eyes.
I then noticed him walking over here.
"I-is that him?" I asked, shaking. 
"Yes," the man smiles. "Oh and my names Tom, call me Tom." He laughed
The boy then opened the door, surprised to see me.
He smiled at me, and stared deep into my eyes, with awe.
"Chase, this is Avery, she just moved here and shes in your grade im bringing her to her aunts hotel."
"Hi, Avery" Chase smiled. "Thats a nice name."
"T-thanks." I stuttered, smiling at him
"Id love to show you around, maybe we could get together sometimes?" Chase asked
"Definitaly." I croacked

anything but ordinary

Chapter 1
Averys P.O.V

"Sh/t." I mumbled as the glass door creaked when i opend it.  
I quickely stepped outside onto my back deck.
I went around front and looked at my moms beat up car.  
I couldnt believe I was acually doing this, i couldnt believe i was finally getting away.  
Right as a got to my moms car, our front lights beamed on. 
"Maddison!" my fathers voice boomed.  
I jumped into my moms car, and slammed onto the gas peddle.  
The car sped up, and off i was.  
When i was more then 20 minutes away from my house, i decided to relax.  
It was going to be alright, i assured myself.  
Before i had left i popped the 2 front tieres in my dads car,
so they werent going anywhere, i smirked to myself.  
When i finally got to the airport, i went up to the bag check in.
I gave them my bags, and money and headed to the ticket booth.
"your traveling one way alone?' the women asked.  
"Uh, uh, yeah." I stuttered "I-im going to like with my aunt." I lied.
Well alright, your section is over there.  
I thanked her and sat down.  What was i going to do when i
got there? I asked myself, I had no idea.  
So, i bet your all wondering what im doing, right?
Well im 16 and my real names Maddison Gregory.  I live in
New York, well lived in New York.  I have abusive parents.  
They have always been abusive to me.  Anyways, ive decided
to run away to california.  I have everything planned out.  Im staying
in an appartment, i took all my savings i have been saving up scince
i was 10.  I have all the clothes i think i will need, and
my fake identity for school and all.  So, you can call me
Avery, Avery Real.  Thats the name of my cousin who died 3 years ago
from cancer, when she was 19.  Noone can find out about this.  
Noone can find out about my past, or anything.  People need to think i have a
normal mom and dad, and that im living a normal teenage life.  
Heres my story, I moved here because my "mom" got a job offer
for work, and we thought it would be a good opportunity, and a good experience.  
Sounds realistic, right? I hope so. 
This plan will work,
It has too.

Feedbackk?? Yes, no?? i know its not the best right now, i just have to
introduce everything(: