
Joined: March 29, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: November 30
user id: 161695
Gender: F

Quotes by curaska

Its seems the harder I try to find a guy.. the less
sucess I have. So I have given up on it.. if prince charming wants me.. he can come find me.

You dont understand that those feelings I felt still come back when I see you
I just want you to know.. your all i ever think about and when i see myslef smiling your the reason

Dont hate cuz I'm cute & sweet,
hate cuz you can't compete.
I may be a b*tch, but i'm  Honest
dont hate what you can't imitate
i have my own life and  
s t y l e.
im not trying to please 
or make you smile.
Either love me or hate me.  Both ways 
Im on your mind.. and Im flattered.

That awkard run to your bed

After you shut your light off


Format: twilightgirl995

Admit it,

You always do a weird happy dance to your ringtone 

That awkward moment

when you see twins

fighting and one of them calls the other ugly




99% of people in this world are stupid, luckily I`m in the other 2%




                                 I say they are fun people.

I'its not the goodbye 

that hurts its the,
flashbacks that follow

