
Joined: August 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 202082




 For those who don't know me: 

 My name is Ally;D And I got swag :3 I hang out with CODY :D everyday, He's pree cool :) I live in AUSTRALIA! I love cheese,unicorns,trolls/rage face's,Baseballjumpers,REAL friends,My bestie's Taylor B. and Cody K. C:I LOVE one direction! Liam is adorable :D and so is harry ;3 Well they all are ! I am not a fangirl -.-I HATE people with light red hair and freckles and think there all good.I dislike people That go to Rasmussen except Taylor <3 !

Quotes by XxNoxXxNamexX

Girl: hey
Boy: Uhm? Hi
Girl: Whats Up?
Boy: Nothing Is there a reason Your talking to Me?
Girl: Well I Sort Of like You. ...
... Boy: ???
Girl: Do You like Me back?
Boy: Well Uhm Your 4 years younger then Me.
Girl: Oh.
Girl: Okay Well I gtg.
Boy: Bye.

2 Weeks later.The Boy Saw the girl On the News, she hung herself. She left a Note that Said "Age Shouldn't matter. I Will Always Love You." 1 Week later The boy Was On the news he hung himself to but he Wrote On the Wall And Said "I Was Wrong, Age Shouldn't Matter. You Were right. I Love You Forever And Always." If you believe that age shoudn't matter.
#REPOST this .... Or tonight the boy and the girl Will be Standing by Your bed..Or u will loose the one youu love
Repost this if you love your dad. If you don't

he'll die in 12 days.♥


shizznizz :L
unicorn you jelly ? C;