
Joined: October 30, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 56918
I'll finish this later..

Quotes by Soccerchickaa4

"Honey, Like I Said...
He must be blind, not to see how gorgeous you are.
Stupid not to know how perfect you are.
((Ignorant)) not to realize how much you *could offer.
>>Deaf not to hear all the amazing things people say about you,
and crazy not to want you

*advice thing I said to my friend,
I think it helped, maybe? haha.

The Little Things My Best Guy Friend Does, Makes Me Smile.

Kev: Think the worst, Hope for the best.
Me: Always have, Always will.

Think I'm Falling...
I think I'm falling harder then ever.
Your voice sends shivers down my spine.
Your laugh shoots goose bumps up my arms,
and when I see you, my legs turn into Jell-O.
And it feels like I'm going to collapse right there,
in the middle of the hallway, in front of everyone.
And when you're around, I just can't help but smilee.
I wouldn't call it love, not yet. But it sure as hell
(_.·´¯`·×»has to be something like it.
...Baby, Take My Hand...
Show me the way, tell me everything will
be okay.Tell me you  love  me  and that
you'll never leave me. Tell me that this is
going to be a forever  and   always  deal.
Because       sweetie,     chances     are;
...I'll Believe Every Word...

Did You Know...?
It's illegal for exposing boxers
in ten states? Who's laughing now,
boy? So I suggest you pull up you're
pants before you get put in the slammer.

Not So Gangster Now, Are We?

Broken Hearts Have Different Phases...
1. You try to process what the hell happened.<---
2. You feel nothing, it's like you're not even alive anymore.
3.  You want revenge, and that's all you can think about .
4. Then you go all the way back to feeling nothing again.
5. Then after the numbess subsides, you want to curl up and die.
6. And finally, you break down, showing the world how much pain he caused.
7. You try to peice back together you're broken heart-
<<--)(-but its pointless, its broken beyond compare.)(-->>
Broken Hearts Have Different Phases...
Six Months, Two Weeks, And Four Days.
Six months to our relationship,
Two weeks since we've broken up.
And Four days since I've last cried over you.
*The tears just won't come out anymore*
-x- -x- -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
The laughs, the kisses, the silly arguements,
the cute love notes on my locker, the long
phone calls, the sweet hugs, the secret looks
from across the room. There all finished, now.
-x- -x- -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
You told me you loved me, and I was foolish
enough to believe it. You told me you cared,
and that you'd always be there, and I was
stupid enough to think it was true. You promised
me forever, and here I sit, alone, missing you.
Six Months, Two Weeks, And Four Days.

For adanniiaax3's contestt.
I Want You to Know.
That it doesn't matter. Where we
take this road, someones gotta go.

And I Want You to Know.
You couldn't have loved me better.
But I want you to move on, so I'm

(_.·´¯`·×»Already gone.
The Perfect Kind of Love.

Him: Hey, I have a question.

Her: Alright, shoot.

Him: Who do u like?

Her: Just someone..

Him: Seriously, who?

Her: I'll give you a hint, he makes me smile everyday,
and tells me that I'm g o r g e o u s constantly. He gives
me hugs when I'm upset, and lets me (cry on his shoulder).
He never fails to make me laugh, and is always there.
He's like my best friend, but he means more to me then that.

Him: Wow, I thought I was the only one who does those things.

Her: You are<3.