
Joined: June 2, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 179613

Hey Hey people of Witty ^-^

Well how to describe me....
The words my friends would descrbe me are:

* Weird in every way
* Funny
* Random
* AWESOME xD haha
* Dramatic

I consider myself to be an extreamly sarcastic person, also extreamly random for examle my friends and I always dance to the GREAT mall music when ever we go shopping, we do get some strange looks but we don't care there just people ;) haha

My intrester are:
*shoe shopping
*counting money xP
*and learning about drama

As you can see my aim is to be a drama queen, well I would like to one day become a famous actress (movies) so I do over dramatis "SOME" things

My Besties of all time are (their witty names):

*stephybaby, my biggest bestie in all the world
*chickenlittle748, another besite
*ebonywwe, bestie
*chloe447, friend
These are the people I love the most =) (i'm not bi or gay) I don't have anything against being bi or gay I'm just stating that I <3 my friends more than anything in the world oh and my dog Krissi :D so yeah these people don't bite so check them out if you want

Lets see... Oh yeah relationship staus at the moment is single :/ I mean being single is great but if would be nice to have someone there to just cuddle up to when your having a bad day ^-^

Political views are WHO GIVES A DAMN I mean I don't think that anyone would listen to a 15 year old so why bother with my opinion

So yeah hopfuly someone has read this and is like yeah she seems pretty cool, so if you ever want to chat or something just say so, or you could add me on fb (Samantha Brown) ummm yeah, also I don't belive in fighting I belive that fighting just makes things worse so you don't have to worry about me being one of those FAKE as girls who thinks she the best and the hottest and that guys will fall at her feet :)

So yeah thats only the begining to me =P
Hope to talk to anyone later xD

Quotes by SmexySammieXD

credit: confessions_of_a_cutter
You once loved me
 You told me that you changed 
But you just did what I feared

Smashed my heart ,
Into a million pieces, now you see why I can't trust guys like you


As I live this hard life
Going slower every strife
Everyday in a blue
Everything I do for you
Man thought you had my back
Don't you know your colour is black
Don't forget your koori bruz
What ever happened to how it was
One for all, all for one
One mob, one love, one blood
Blood is thicker than water
And I'll do anything for ya


Worlds worst blond jokes

 So a blonde wanted to prove to her husband that she wasn't dumb, so one day the
husband goes to work and the blonde decided to paint the house, so she goes and gets
the paint and goes home.
When the husband gets home he see's his wife lying in a pool of sweat
The husband asks 'Why are you wearing a ski jaket'?
The blonde replies 'becuase the paint tin said for best results put on two coats'

Worst blonde jokes

# 2

So this blond walks into a mall, she walks up to the coke machine puts in 2 dollars and gets a coke, she does this again and again until a man walks up to her and taps her on the sholder and and says 'are you done'?
Then blond then turns around and says
'shhhhh I'm winning'



Format by Sandrasaurus

Worlds worst blonde jokes

How do you tell if a blondes been using a computer?

Theres whiteout on the screen

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Dear moviproducer's
I would just like to say, WHYYYYY?????
why would you think it was a smart idea to re-make one
of the best film of its time?
Footlose was one of the best movies I've ever seen then
you say 'well if the original was so good, we might as
well make another one'.
Now if I ask nicely will you please leave the classics
alone, PLEASE!!!

love one of youviewers

I'm sexy anI know it



Witty girls i need help,
my new boyfriend is well
really friged and I don't want to push him to do anything, but I want to help him get over it :S

What am I suppose to do?