
Joined: December 27, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 61617

Quotes by OoOhsnapitsTAYLOR

remember the fights.?
remember the break-ups.?
remember the make-ups.?
remember your boyfriends.?
remember your memories.?
remember your family.?
remember your friends.?
remember the parties.?
remember the pictures.?
remember the laughs.?
remember the cries.?

forget all the bad memories;
here comes 2009.

** ALL MINE** OoOhsnapitsTaylor*

On Witty Profiles:
I zip right by the quotes,
that have no color.

Is this true for you!!? *rate high if true*
Now, thats a true Kodak moment!
New Sn:__________
IM me there
At the Sabres Game.
Be back wayy later.
Proud to be a Sabres Fan!

Thats Mrs. Edward Cullen to you!


Next time you think your perfect.,
try walking on water.
Your the reason why I wake up
and wish every second I can be with you.