
Joined: May 27, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 361321
Gender: F

Quotes by Narwhal

taking a break from witty.
Narwhals are the best animals ever. nuff said :)
lol i just saw some witty famous person ask a new person for a follow and this is pretty much how it went....

Witty famous person: ....follow me?
person: okay follow for follow?
witty famous person: the follow button doesn't work on my account, but I'll follow you on another account!
Person: okay!!

lol! Biggest Bullc.rap ever. at least be honest and say youre just doing it for followers. a follow button does not just stop working. It isn't a car that needs to be taken to a freaking mechanic once a month.
If youre asking for followers be honest and say that. don't make up crap. its too obvious. jesus christ.