
Joined: November 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 241790

Hi. Im Joey. Welcome to my witty :) I dont come on here as much anymore because of school, but i promise ill try to be on more(: My Life isnt as beautiful and wonderful as it may seem. but im greatful to have a life(: Im 13, i Love the colors blue, purple and green. Im Emo/tomboy (if thats even possible?? Idunno) I get mad/sad easily. i LOVE texting c; im a big hugger and a lover, im a bit gullable (dont test me or ill test your nutt  sack with my foot! -.-) Anyway, i love playing my violin, drawing, and discovering new things. im such a Gorehound (meaning blood, guts violent kind of person) I play Xbox, My Gamer tag is TearsIntoBlood      ,,, i like to pick up any reptile, Bugs, amphibians, mammels, im not afraid to try new things. If you wanna know more just ask 

More Coming Soon ;DDD


Quotes by MJayKay12

sometimes we think we wanna kill ourselves.
sometimes we think we wanna hurt someone else, so they can feel the pain we do.
sometimes we think we wanna kill someone else, because theyre the reasons why we live like this.

But sometimes, no matter how hard it is, we gotta forgive them. were humans. its what we do. we were made to make mistakes and learn from them. even if it hurts the worst its what humans do, we hurt, we forgive, and we live. we were designed to do that. its a natural thing. we dont learn to do it. we just DO.
Shes only Beautiful because she has EVERYTHING
it sure is a happy easter >.> ....
Yo Mamma So ugly when she looked out of the window she got arrested for moon-ing

I bet no guy has the guts to write me a paragraph in my comment box on my profile that I will never forget. Girls, pass this on and see who the nicest guy is on Witty. See what guy can actually write a paragraph that will suprise you.
< 3
Favorite this if you agree::

We were once friends
We were once together
But then
You Broke me
Just cause we didnt see each other as much
Then you say you still love me and kiss me softly on the lips
then it seems a day or two later things changed
You DONT love me
You DONT feel the same anymore
You DONT wanna be with me
Even AFTER you told me you LOVED ME
But i guess it was a LIE so you could SLIP your way outa LOVE.

I HATE it when this happens..... Oh Love and your Stupid Tricks... Get a life and leave me alone? ill find it another way... but i dont need love to get love...
If You've ever been called 

" Fat "

put this as your Quote

And who ever
Hearts this Disagrees <3