
Status: Thanks for reading my story!
Joined: October 25, 2011
Last Seen: 8 months
user id: 231183
Location: Australia
Gender: F

Quotes by Limited_Edition


rip out my headphones and i'll rip out your lungs :)



that backup tab you keep open, just in case someone comes into your room when you're on witty.


That one teacher who you are pretty sure is a pedophile.







Okay well a while ago I auditioned for a singing part in this production thingy and the other day I got an email to go back for a callback audition. So, I go in there, sing my song, and they start asking me questions about what kind of music I like.

Them: What is your favorite song at the moment?
Me: I like Samson by Regina George.

Regina George.

Regina George.


 So then I stand there and have this laughing fit and the judges are just sitting there like 'dafuq' So then I try to cover up but it doesn't work so I'm just standing there laughing like a socially retarded seal saying,  "HAHAH! Sorry! She's off mean girls!!" And they didn't even laugh.

So, to cut a long story short, socially awkward people like me should not attend callback auditions, and, if you're trying to say Regina Spektor, make sure you practise before hand.




That one teacher who you are pretty sure is a pedophile.




I love how
when you go onto comments now there is a line of like 50 comments
all replied to the one before it...


The Escape.
Chapter 7.

“It was a while ago, maybe a year and a half when I moved here. From New York to L.A. My parents are- let’s just say pretty successful” He rolled his eyes slightly and looked to the ground. “I remember them standing in the kitchen and talking really quiet- whispering when they thought I was asleep” In the dark I saw him shake his head. “And uh- I guess I didn’t think much of it. But then- a month was it?- a month ago they- they took me. I can’t remember much of it- I just- I remember my Dad- he was just letting them take us…” His voice cracked a little, and he cleared his throat.
Us? What did he mean by ‘Us?’
“He just- he stood there and shook his head- and my Mum, she was crying and screaming…” He stopped, distance visible in his cloudy eyes.
“The worst part was my sister. She was just looking at me… and I didn’t say anything. I didn’t- I didn’t know how to-“
He kicked a stone on the ground and looked up the road in front of us.
The landscape was beginning to change a little-
Instead of the complete barren wasteland we found ourselves in before,
Every so often we would pass a farm or property propped beside the faded, old road we were walking on now.
In the distance were the lights of the milk-bar, dull and blue- but at least it was something.
James raised his head a little and continued on with his story.
“So- Yeah- they must of knocked us out or something because all I remember is waking up in the- the black”
I murmured an agree, twisting my dirty blonde locks in my right hand.
“We stayed there for a while- just working things out, you know? Trying to- to comprehend. I guess when nothing happened for a while they needed a prompt or something for Mum and Dad.  So they took her- they took Bella… and they-“ He stopped abruptly, shaking his head back and fourth to the ground.
“I found a torch. I turned it on- found the vent- and I’d heard them talking about you sometimes- so I found you. And- that’s where you came in”
He was shaking softly- and for a second I regretted asking him about his past.
Who was Bella?
What did they do to her?
Was she still in there?
He laughed weakly.
A sick, twisted laugh and raised his face to the mass of stars in the sky.
“Money, that’s all it was. Money for f//k’s sake! Nothing important! I just wish that-“ Beside my James stiffened, picking up a handful of dirt and throwing it into the distance.
“We’re here” He muttered, and to my surprise, I noticed we were standing right outside the milk-bar.
It was pale and faded blue, and looked like if a toddler blew threw a bendy straw it would collapse to the ground In a series of explosions.
I pushed open the door and a small bell in the corner of the room alerted a plump lady of our presence.
She rushed over, folding down her pleated apron and adjusting her hair in a ridiculous manner.
She smiled but it disappeared quickly when she caught sight of us.
I could only imagine what I looked like.
Her carefully plucked eyebrows knotted together and she shot me a ‘look’.
“What are you kids looking for tonight?” She asked politely, avoiding eye contact with either me or James.
She probably thought we were teenage thugs or something.
And the sad part was, I couldn’t blame her.
James smiled kindly at her and brushed his hair out of his eyes.
“Do you have some kind of a tab or something we could set up?”
She frowned- making her chubby cheeks crinkle up.
“Do you mind me asking why? It’s very late, you know”
James shifted uncomfortably next to me.
I could tell he was thinking the same thing as me.
Tell or not?
We had no proof- we didn’t even know where we were.
“We uh- we don’t have anywhere to stay- or anything to eat”
Her face softened, revealing the tired kindness in her eyes.
“Oh…” She looked guilty.
“I know that there is a hotel maybe what- 2 hours away?”
James shook his head.
“We don’t have any money- or- we’re on foot”
The lady looked stunned- and she had a reason to be.
“Why?” She blurted out- her eyes becoming red.
James looked nervous- scanning the area and then turning to face the woman.
“Not here” He whispered, fiddling with his thumbs, and shooting a quick glance to the door of the shop.
In the car park- barely visible was a grey ute-
Inside it, sat peering into the shop were the kidnappers.


Sorry for not uploading in like- forever :((
Please don't hate me?? k.
Uh- nothing much to say I guess.
Keep reading commenting and faving.
The preview said this quote would get 168 faves and 598 comments.
Lets try to get it to 20 faves? lol
Feedback appreciated greatly 


Teaser: “Don’t mention this to the little one. She’s only 8. I’ll tell Molly and Craig what happened and we will be calling the police for you”



The Escape.

Okay guys soo.. I have found some pictures for the characters in the story so far :)
If you don't want to look then.. don't I guess... haha
Tell me what you think of them!



or just look up Munro Chambers on google.



The Escape.
Chapter 6.

Sometimes in life there are those moment when things just seem to go by in slow motion.
In a giant daze of events and everything seems squished together and mixed up.
I felt like somehow I was watching it all happen through someone else’s eyes.
Watching myself struggle to pull James out of his trance,
Watching the dark men chase the two helpless kids out of the house.
The screaming and yelling and punching.
Blood and tears.
I felt like I was watching us run away if that makes sense.
I saw my face, the blood smeared across my left cheek and the crazy, wild look in my eyes.
I saw James finally recognize what was going on and I saw the guilt I his bright green ones.
Now the black is back.
We were crouched in a gutter somewhere, rain pouring down on us and the cold was once again taking over my body.
“James, it’s okay” I whispered, awkwardly rubbing his back.
He looked up at me,, making me suddenly feel overwhelmingly sad.
“It’s not” He murmured softly, looking back down to his worn out sneakers.
“We got away James! What do you mean it’s not okay?”
He sighed loudly, linking his arms behind his head.
“Look at your face! It- It’s bleeding!”
I studied him carefully, watching the way his lips moved as he spoke,
the way his eyes fell away from me.
I racked my mind for something to say. Something actually good.
“What happened back there?”
He shook his head weakly.
“I freaked out, I was… remembering”
I nodded. Better to leave it at that.
“We need somewhere to sleep. Any idea where we are?”
He stood up- shakily, looking around the blank environment around us.
I did so too.
We were in the middle of nowhere-  the house we had escaped from was on what looked like a farm,  paddocks surrounding it in every direction.
From there, we had ran- very slowly and often falling over- as far as we could from the retched house- or should I say prison.  I reckon we got about 20 kilometers, weaving our way through trees and bushes until we ended up here- crouched in a gutter on the side of the road- nothing around us- no houses or shops. Just one or two cars passing by every hour.
From the look of the sky, it was extremely late.
James shook his head- confusion written on his tired face.
“I think I might have been here before- I’m really bad at directions- but I think there is a milk bar maybe- 2km away? I just- I remember this place from somewhere before”
I nodded and stretched my arms behind my head.
“We should try to get there” I suggested, wobbling over in the direction of the milk bar.
I tried fighting back the many questions blooming in my mind.
Where exactly did I just escape from?
Why did I have to escape in the first place?
Did James know?
I battled the urge to ask him. I knew he wouldn’t tell me anyway.
I mumbled what sounded like a yes and he went on.
“Do you know why we were there?”
I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him.
There- my only hope of any information was gone.
“No. If you tell me what you know, I’ll tell you what I know”
I knew my comment was stupid, seeing as I knew basically nothing to minimal on my sudden capture and bringing to the farm of terror, I just hope that he didn’t know that.
He raised his eyebrows a little and smiled weakly.
“You don’t trust me?”
“I don’t know you!” I defended.
He sighed.
“Fine- I’ll start from the beginning”


So they got away... dun dun daaaaa......
what is in store for them now?  
Comment and fave for more and yeah... that's about it...
have a nice night :) 
Feedback appreciated greatly 


Teaser: Who was Bella? What did they do to her?



The Escape.
Chapter 5.

It’s what I wanted so desperately just a few hours ago.
I want it gone now.
I need that black.
I need it to engulf me and hide me from the world.
The light is exposing me-
And that’s not the best when you are hiding from two men who are kidnappers and possibly murderers.
James was silent and careful as he moved around the corner of the large house slowly.
The bright red carpets brushed under our knees and created kind of a swoosh sound from beneath us.
The men- we figured- were in the room next door.
The plan was this- to drop down into the house and weave our way out.
Sounds easy at first but once your down here,
It’s a whole different story.
I suddenly felt his body tense beside me and I looked over to see him completely frozen.
“They’re  coming” He whispered, placing a cold hand on my arm to stop me from moving any further.
We sat fixed in our positions, ears pricked up like dogs at the park.
I focused on slowing my breathing down to a normal pace,
While James stared at the back of my head with a blank expression.
“Any offers for them yet?”
The voice belonged to that of a male, deep and with a strong Indian accent.
“No- but they will come, don’t worry”
This time the voice was a little higher, and sounded slightly Italian.
“I don’t know how much longer we can keep them here! The police will be coming for us”
A loud crash erupted in the direction of the voices.
“You will get your money Abjit! The little sh/ts have been here for a month!”
“When do we draw the line? They’ll die soon, nothing will come from that!”
Another crash boomed and James shifted uncomfortably next to me.
Footsteps echoed through the house, becoming louder by the minute.
“We have to go!” I whispered loudly to my left. No response.
“James! We have to go!” I raised myself up slowly, hoping my legs would support me for just a little bit of time before they gave way.
James was still frozen, his bottom lip quivering as he stared blankly into the distance.
Footsteps. Closer and closer they came, and with each step, I lost a little bit of hope of getting out alive.
“James!” I yanked forward on his arm, causing us to fall forward together in a series of loud booms and yelps.
Cover = Blown.

Not much to say I guess...
Arrghh- James?? Why was he getting so weird back there??
Why don't you leave some predictions?
Oh and I'm giving you a free teaser...
Feedback appreciated greatly 


Teaser: "You don't trust me?"