
Joined: November 24, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 242657

We may not have answers to our questions, but we do have promises for our souls.
And the promises of God are twofold.
We are free to struggle, and we’re also not struggling to be free.
We are free to fail because there’s an ocean of grace that we fall into.
But also, we have the promise of a power so strong that it raised Christ Himself, and so we know that, mystery of mysteries, we’re also not struggling to be free.
Imagine if we believed these things so strongly that we too gave grace to those tangled in their struggles while still calling them to the promise that they can be set free from them?
This artwork hopefully communicates this theme as well.
We’re in this thing together. Some fighting the waves, some breaking backs against the oars, some just trying to hold on. But one thing we know, we have each other, and most importantly, we have Christ.
And though it seems like He may have forsaken us, that He’s forgotten us, we need only look to the scars in His hands to remember He too entered the storm. He calmed the seas we could not calm. He broke the chains we could not break.
So wherever you are, whatever struggle you’re walking through, know that you’re not alone, and there’s grace, every step along the way.. - Mike Donehey

Quotes by HeartMadeOfPaper

Who cares your all i think about. I've searched the world and i know now it aint right if you aint lost your mind.I dont want easy i want crazy.

I dont understand our relationship,
Somtimes, we're friends, somtimes we're more than friends.Other times, i'm a stranger to you.

i never thought i'd be one of those girls...That sits around waiting for a text from a guy that probably isn't even thinking of her..... A girl that forgives and forgives until she can't anymore... a girl that lets 1 guy, 1 person out of 7 billion affect her on a daily basis.... i never expected any of this.....
Here's to the girls that dont wake up with perfect hair. Who dont mind eating a big mac instead of a salad. Who dont wear 50 pounds of make up. Who'd rather spend the day in sweat pants than jeans. Who love the comfort of t shirts. Who dont get all the guys. Who arent 'popular' but feel like it with their friends. Who stick to sneakers instead of heels. Who arent afraid to break a nail. Who dont always get what they want. Who dont need a guy to tell them their beautiful. Here's to them.

Your heartless complements, your smart remarks, I know exactly the type of guy you are. Playing games thats what you do, your never serious but i wish you knew. Maybe its your deep blue eyes that sends my stomache in a whirl. Or the way i cant focus when your around. I know it means so much more to me than it does to you. Because to you im just another girl. But here i am playing along with the game, that im guaranteed lose. Being just another girl whose fallen for you.

I miss him I do, and even though its over, and he's moved on, I'm content.. Because I know when I love God first in His perfect  timing, he's going to bring the Guy into my life and I won't have to search, he'll just show up unexpectedly, i wont have to wonder if hes the one, ill know! and he well grow together in faith and love(: Gods just cool like that (:

I know that your moving on i know i should give you up
But i just keep hoping youll trip and fall back in love.


 I know you cant hear me but baby i need you to save me tonight .


someone asked me
if  I knew you

One million memorys flashed into my mind.. 
I just smiled and said, I use to.. 



I don't chase after you anymore...
If you wanna walk out of my life ill hold the door open..