
Joined: April 11, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 356443
Gender: F
I'm Autumn. I'm a pretty happy person, or at least people seem to think so. Well thats all. Meh.

Quotes by GraySkyes

But Im not good enough for you, am I?
That moment you notice that half the witty famous people are younger than you...
I have no hope..
I hate my mom. I've said this many times before but its true. She keeps claiming that she doesn't have her disorders anymore. That her new husband "took them away." But how can that be true when last night she screamed and yelled and practically beat me because I asked if I could give my boyfriend a ride to school so he'd have a way to get there. And now I need him more than anything because of her and he isn't here. I don't know what to do. Why is this happening to me? I don't want to live anymore.
Day 28: The day you regret the most-
The day I was born.
I need you and you aren't here.
When you see quotes with horribly bad spelling and wording, and you just think, bless their poor adolescent hearts..
Day 24- Last Breakup:
Last September, but I'm back with the person I broke up with then.
I hate people.
Day 23- Biggest Confession:
Wouldn't this be the same as the deepest secret one?
Oh well, I'm getting some tomorrow :)
I hate my mom. She has done nothing but torture me. Sure, she gave birth to me, but giving someone life doesn't count when you don't allow them to HAVE a life. Seriously, all she does is yell and paddle and yell. I am 16, why does she treat me like this?