
Joined: October 8, 2011
Last Seen: 2 weeks
user id: 224916

Quotes by E*

I don't need saving, I need something to lead me from unreality to reality.
Your picture of the moon is an insult to the moon. We all know she doesn't look like that.
Gratitude for the uncomfortable moments because there is a promise of growth on the other side. Gratitude at the centre of it all.
Discomfort is a sign of a great journey, a higher calling and new blessings. You will find joy + you will endure.
Today i'm hurting extra for the peace that comes with being disconnected. 
Rather than thinking how to get love, start giving. If you give, you get. There is no other way. 
Be concerned with your joy. Be utterly concerned with your joy, be only concerned with your joy.
Everything else is non-essential. 
Never thought that I would be the one person to say that there is a brighter side, but there is. You need to find it, each and everyone of us have a different way of finding the brighter side; in the end you will find it or it will find you. 
It is true about what they say; that you should love yourself before you love somebody else. This is because you're giving all the love to that one person instead of yourself, leaving you with nothing. 
I couldn't be with you so I took it out on myself. I shed a lot of blood for us. 
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