
Joined: July 11, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 115955


About Me

My Names Melanie, Stardoll Is  SallyChloe, Add Me


Quotes by Drippy280

I wonder if he likes me...

I love this guy..   I'm almost the same age as him..

He is best friends with my best friends brother so when I spend the

night at her house he's always there. He stares at me and I stare at

him. He is single. One night my friends brother fell asleep and he was 

bored and came and talked to me and my friend. He was talking about

his ex-girlfriends and how all the girls he has kissed love his lips. I don't

really talk to him anymore when I'm over cause he knows I like him. I

avoid him basically. He tries to talk to me and I  talk back, but not like I

use to. He was talking to another friend when he and someone else

spent the night. My friends room and her brothers room are next to

each other so I can hear what he was saying. I think he told him I was

avoiding him. Then stuff about our age differences and how the only

time he will see me is if I'm over at my friends. I think about him all

the time. I need help knowing if he likes me or not.. :/  It's only a 2

year age difference. I think he likes me... but I'm not sure.

Help Please (: