Personal Quote #7076750
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I haven't been on here in a little over a year. So many things

I haven't been on here in a little over a year.

So many things are different since 2016.

I've graduated college, first in the family. I still can't believe I'm not a college student anymore and that I'm a college graduate.

I've really grown as a person.

I used to love going out and drink with friends - now I live for the nights I get to spend with my dogs.

I used to hate myself and I'm not a HUGE fan still but I'm getting there. But I don't think anyone ever really is 100% okay with themselves at all moments. And that's okay.

I've bought my grandfather his first puppy in over 30 years. He loves her more than most things. The first month he had her, I didn't see a moment where he wasn't smiling.

I'm 23 - which is wild. I turn 24 in November. Which is even crazier. I started going on this when I was 15. I've almost had this account for 10 years.

It's weird to look back at quotes I made, more funny but others more personal. It's awful to know how much pain I used to be in. But it's amazing to see how far I have come.

I didn't even know if I'd make it to 20, let alone 23. I never was suicidal but I really hated my life, for whatever reason.

Now I just love being alive. For my mom, for my grandparents, for my dogs and cats. For myself.

I'm still scared of what's to come but I think that's what keeps me motivated.

I don't know, Witty was my safe haven growing up. It's what helped me get through a lot of things and I'm glad I had this website.

I used to play in softball tournaments on the weekends and come home after those wins and losses and post quotes. I was so excited to post quotes - sometimes I even limited myself to only 10 a day when in reality I would wanna post like 30.

I'm only 23 years old. I'm a recent graduate of college. I still can't believe I made it.

I'm not always fully okay but I still am here and I'm glad I'm here.

I've got a long way to go to where I want to be but I have that faith that I'll make it.

Never lose hope in yourself.

Show the world what they didn't think you could do.

Hang in there and just know if you aren't okay now, you will be. It may take years like it took me, but you'll get there. It's so worth the wait.

Live your best life.


bunni 7 months ago
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god i miss you, i remember loving ur posts as a kid. it's so bittersweet yet beautiful to see how far you've come as well.
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seafoam* 6 years ago
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Whysitgottabeme 6 years ago
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Thank you for saying this 💕 I have a friend that's going through a lot and I couldn't find the words to help her.
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