Breakup Quote #7008751
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Here's how it goes: First joined witty in 2011~ We were allowed

Here's how it goes: First joined witty in 2011~ We were allowed to swear~ Faved quotes~ Became a witty addict~ Stalked people like yourcool~ Added quotes~ Got Faves~ Years went by~Things changed~ We couldnt swear anymore~ A bunch of 12 year olds joined~ Witty was changing~ Deleted account in early 2014~ Came back and wittys the new tumblr~ What happened?~ Is yourcool still on here?~ C'mon Steve...we miss the old witty


yourcool 9 years ago
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Hi I'm still here I'm just at school and was super busy working this summer but hopefully while I'm at school I can find some more time than I did last year to come on :)

Love this quote thank you ahh
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_Jannette 9 years ago
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Amanda (yourcool) takes periodic breaks but comes on every once in a while. But she hasn't been on in a while. :I
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Whitknee 9 years ago
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ok thanks, I found her account. it said she was on two days ago. thank you
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