Love Quote #6993583
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Because I remember how it felt to be inexplainably in love. And

Because I remember how it felt to be inexplainably in love.
And i remember how it felt to miss a touch you hadn't received yet.
I remembered yearning for hellos and being devastated over goodnights.
I remember my bones turning to dust under your fingertips
and my skin shifting with the heat of your mouth.
I remember how it felt to sacrifice my own happiness for yours
but what i can't remember is what I did to make you forget
every time that I made your nerves dance.
I can't remember what I did to deserve laying in the parking lot
with a shattered heart at four in the morning
and I can't remember how you had been capable of being so cruel.
- r.m.

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posted June 4, 2014 at 10:55pm UTC tagged with love, breakup, friendship, poem, cute, story, sad, ihaventpostedinsolongwow, quote