Love Quote #6967807
all quotes · love · breakup · cute · life · true ·

One day, you decided that you liked writing in pen rather than

One day,
you decided that you liked writing in pen rather than graphite,
but that was okay because you still took the time to pass me notes.
The next month,
you took back your hatred for loose change and
started carrying fifty cents around in your pockets,
but that was okay because now you could get snacks from the vending machine.
Ten weeks later,
you stopped wearing the shoes I gave you
because you said the boots from your mom were more comfortable,
but that’s okay, because mother is always right.
31 days after that,
you asked for a room redecoration, fully aware that once it was done
every trace of my skin in your bed would be wiped away,
but that was okay because I swore to always support you.
I didn’t expect to be the next thing you moved on from.

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posted March 4, 2014 at 9:34pm UTC tagged with love, breakup, cute, life, true, quote, sad, tumblr, ugh, poems

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