Funny Quote #6931619
all quotes · funny · itwasagoodyear · yayletsjumpoutofwindows ·

So I don't know why I feel the need to share this, but 5th

So I don't know why I feel the need to share this,
but 5th grade was legit the best school year ever for me. Our teacher wasn't the best, and he didn't really care what we did. So throughout the year, we did basically everything that your not supposed to do in school. We played four square in the classroom, taped eachother to chairs, climbed in and out of the windows, and we had a store in the classroom. Literally a store, where certain people brought in stuff from home and layed it all out on a table and sold it, and at the end of the day the people running it would split up the money between themselves. We didn't really learn anything, but at least nobody failed the 5th grade.......

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Bree :)*

posted December 1, 2013 at 1:58am UTC tagged with funny, itwasagoodyear, yayletsjumpoutofwindows

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