Inspirational Quote #6878788
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when you're sad, 1. Send letters to the people you love.

when you'rsad,



1. Send letters to the people you love. Don't seal them, don't send them. Instead, stick them between the pages of library books.

2. Eat raspberries off your fingertips.

3. Venture outside and observe natural life. Watch a honey bee suck nectar from a lavendar plant. Watch a snail slowly make its way to

the shade of a tree. Watch a hummingbird innocently fly above your head. Realise how insignificant you are.

4. Smile at strangers, say hello. Brighten their day and your own.

5.Write lists. Write lists about anything.

6.Read several pages of the dictionary. Learn new words. Write down the ones you want to remember

7. Read books and watch movies from your childhood. A healthy dose of nostalgia is okay. Immerse yourself in your past innocence.

8. Walk to the park and get on a swing. Go as high as you can, feel limitless. The world is yours.

9. Eat when you're hungry. Food is not the enemy. You are human and need food to survive. You derserve to eat. Sprinkle sugar on

your tongue. Taste the summer breeze and sweet aroma of jasmine flowers.

10. Don't marinate in your sadness. You are not a steak, you are a person, you are irreplaceable. Open yourself up to contentment.

Let happiness overcome your sadness. You deserve to be happy. If life is a game and you are the referee, be biased - 



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death ramps*

posted September 6, 2013 at 8:52pm UTC tagged with inspirational, cute, tumblr, nice, whenyouresad

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