Quote Quote #6853630
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cineast 1 decade ago
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cineast 1 decade ago
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Anyway, about the "hitting", you probably shouldn't be punching anybody in the throat. Just a word of advice.
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cloudlings 1 decade ago
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e x a ct l y
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budcool 1 decade ago
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omg cineast ur so right its so unfair
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Hale_Storm18 1 decade ago
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Yeah, kind of really...
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Hale_Storm18 1 decade ago
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--Because with most people I know, both male and female, believe that a woman who hits her boyfriend is as much of a piece of sh.t as a guy who hits his girlfriend. They also agree that a guy can hit a girl in the case of self defense, etc. etc.
--Girls get mad if anyone calls them fat, not just a guy.
--I have never met one girl who actually cares if a guy opens the door or not.
--Every time I've gone to a restaurant with a guy, he's insisted on paying despite the fact that I offered. Women don't expect it and often times want to pay.
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cookii_brookii 1 decade ago
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Reactions to a woman hitting her boyfriend: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlFAd4YdQks
Reactions to a guy hitting his girlfriend: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieYm0sKoqkY
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Most people would think that a girl who hits her boyfriend is wrong, but no guy will report abuse because it is seen as a sign of weakness, which is stupid. He will also, most of the time, never hit her back because the chances that he will face charges is pretty high. Also, I didn't say, "girls only get mad if guys call them fat". And, a girl will never offer to pay because she knows it's basically a rule that the guy should. Anyways, I support equal rights, i'm all for it. What I don't support is special rights. I'm not talking about every girl, i'm talking about the ones who want equal rights but they also want special ones, like the door holding, guy paying, not being able to be hit, not allowed to be called names, and not required to sign up for selective services.
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SisiAdelia 1 decade ago
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actually, about the paying thing? Not all girls are like that. Heck, I made my boyfriend give me his wallet so I could pay. I hate it when people spend money on me because I tend to feel guilty, and I'm not the only one. Of course, it's expected by SOCIETY (its not just girls, its a generally expected thing) that the males pay for the females at a date or something. I'm not saying that that you're completely wrong, but you aren't totally correct in saying that either.
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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You took your boyfriends wallet so you could pay? Isn't that still his money haha? Anywaysss, if you read my comments before you commented you would of known that this wasn't directed at everybody, only certain indiviuduals.
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SisiAdelia 1 decade ago
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So I could pay with MY money, and he wouldn't be able to.
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carson5482 1 decade ago
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Obviously, I don't think it's okay for either gender to hit the other. But in most cases, the man will be stronger than the girl and has much more potential to hurt her.... Unless it's self defense, a man should not hit back if a woman hits him. There are other ways of handling it.
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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A woman should not hit a man in the first place, there are other ways of handling it.
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josiewdog123 1 decade ago
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yassss people don't understand that feminism is not rights for women, it's rights for everyone. If a woman hits a man, a man should have the right to hit her back. Even though no one should be hitting anyone, giving the woman special treatment is just plain wrong in cases like the above
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Also it is unfair that the criminal justice system still favors women as victims over men by giving them ligther sentences than men, more defenses, less likely to get execution.
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seguinista 1 decade ago
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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It's like, if you want equal rights, next time you hit me, i'm going to punch you in the throat.
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seguinista 1 decade ago
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Or when they say "pay for dinner I'm a girl" I don't know about you but I hate my gender like I was at a restaurant and this girl insisted on having her date pay and she literally ordered the most expensive thing and when he's like "nope" she smacked him and walked out.
Why females why.
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josiewdog123 1 decade ago
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I always pay for . I HATE when the guys I'm out with tell me they'll pay.... yeah for your own meal. If I don't have the money I wont go because I was raised with the intention that I pay for myself
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SisiAdelia 1 decade ago
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same, thank you! gosh darnit, I was getting a little frustrated there! :)
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posted January 1, 1970 at 12:00am UTC tagged with quote

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