Love Quote #6849986
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like they want us to have a flat stomach, big butt, big boobs and
a pretty face while some of these guy look like



Decay * 1 decade ago
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hey I don't have high standards and I don't look like an ape.... do I :'(
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rosetoprank 1 decade ago
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lol they have such high standards and like half of them are disgusting
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*Pierre-Auguste* 1 decade ago
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Onetime a guy told me I'd be pretty if I got a nose-job, yeah.
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Fading.From.Reality* 1 decade ago
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wow. That is really rude :L
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*Pierre-Auguste* 1 decade ago
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Yeah well I spat in his face.
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Fading.From.Reality* 1 decade ago
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well, he deserved it :)
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Travis Allred* 1 decade ago
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Some of the guys want that actually in girls cause that was they are interests into. its also goes both way with girls too. Why do girls expect us do everything for them. That is like being selfish. That why i havent date any girls in real life for my whole life. Cause its hard to find a girl who isnt so selfish and could just be herself. Instead of having so much what they want from guys like sweatshirt, drive them everywhere, valuable presents, give them money, buy them dinner, etc. Most guys cant afford to do everything for them. That why most girls need to realized that not all of us cant afford to do everything at once. Once boys and girls are around 15-16, youll be applying for jobs. You get paid for working. You should be paying your own things. You cant have a boy pays everything for you or a girl pays everything for a boy. That doesnt work that way. Yes, sometime you can pay them a nice small gift for cheap or once awhile you can pay for their dinner, but boys cant be doin it all the time and have a girl say "oh i wish he was different and this is why all guys are same." Just remember money are actually hard to earn. That most people cant afford to do everything with money, like for example: paying gases with their own money every week to drive a girl/boy everywhere they wanna go, paying their dinner that is over like $30 even including your own dinner, buying a valuable necklace that cost like $40 just to give it to a person. People need to realized, once they did everything for them, some of the times, theyll regret it, cause once you get older around 16-17-18 you have to pay your own bills. Yes i do know where this quote are coming from. Some guys are like that cause that what they want in girls. Some guys actually just want personality in their best feature along with beautiful girl that he has an eyes for. So my advice for you guys, do not take advantages of each other and have a relationship that is like Friend with Benefits cause it would be so much drama and it wont work out. Have a relationship that is real and equal balance for each other, not have one girlfriend do everything for a boyfriend, or boyfriend do everything for a girlfriend. Just do everything for each other at the same time, like one day a guy can take out a girl to somewhere. Then the next time its the girlfriend turns or whoever that you are with. For those are you whos in teenage years dont say when guys sucks because you cant get what you want like a present, valuable things from your crush, etc. same things with guys because matter of facts your parent would be pretty mad if they have to lend you money after money after money. cause they cant afford to keep lending you money for something you want with another person. Once you get a job, youll get your own and you pay your own things. Well i hope this pretty much explains why girls shouldnt be calling guys sucks." Well another reason if a boy and girl goes out to drinking party then i dont why you chose them because a lot of bad things can happens that they probably dont know what they are doing. So get a relationship where both boy and girl are balance and not have one of them be high on standards.
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Rajsonkar 1 decade ago
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Because it's in our genes.
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lithium* 1 decade ago
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did you
did you just
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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ParticipationAward* 1 decade ago
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Oh my gosh where is this from!? I remember it but I don't know where from. :b
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MaddyWaddy 1 decade ago
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I think Kingsley said it... Idk! But it's going to irritate me now
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cujo* 1 decade ago
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It was a popular vine by Tiffiny Semashko!
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posted August 6, 2013 at 1:30pm UTC tagged with love, funny, famous, poem, inspirational, cute, life, poetry

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