Funny Quote #6847025
all quotes · funny · reasons · school ·

reasons why people think i hate school: having to do work reasons

reasons why people think i hate school:
having to do work

reasons why i actually hate school:
dumb fking idiots in all of my classes
not being able to eat on my own schedule
not being able to drink coffee in class
not having hot classrooms outrageously freezing classrooms because the schools bipolar having to wear pants p.e
filthy bathrooms
teachers that cant teach presentations
never having time to go to my locker
having to do work


Made_in_China 1 decade ago
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Or if ur teacher happens to be an in attentive hippie who reveals all the sordid details of her romantic life, sees a need to tell you every little bit of personal info she has, and make you spend all class doing her work(decorating the school) then looking at it with the whole cheerleader 'omg ur so ugly' thing then going Oh. My. God. That is so ugly. Take it down and do it all over again. I like ranting on witty. It gives me a place to express my otherwise suppressed anger.
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Unicorn's hunter * 1 decade ago
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reasons why i actually hate school:
1) i have clases with the same people all the time
2) is forbidden eat or drink anything in class
3) the classrooms dont have any air conditioner
4) we dont have any lockers
5) we have tests the whole year.
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Hale_Storm18 1 decade ago
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My teachers actually let people drink coffee. It's fabulous.
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Wait, people aren't allowed to drink coffee without permission? What kind of schools are you guys going to.
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*kawaii satan* 1 decade ago
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My school lets us buy coffee but you have to stand outside to actually drink it, and then they yell at you for being late ._.
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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We're aloud to drink anything as long as it's not alcohol.
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*kawaii satan* 1 decade ago
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Lucky. My school's seen as one of the most laid back schools in my area and we're still only allowed water in class, yay .-.
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bunnylover43 1 decade ago
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In my school we have 3 minutes to go to our lockers and i would have classes where one was on the other side of the school and the other class was on the other side so i would have to run to my classes because i still needed to get stuff from locker because i dont like having a heavy bag
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