Please Quote #6784243
all quotes · please · dontlie · onlymyopinion · requests ·

I hate when people write quotes about something that isn't true

I hate when people write quotes about something that isn't true or they don't believe in. What I mena by that is, if you're not in love, don't write a quote about how much in "love" you are with this guy/girl. If you don't know the pain of heartbreak, don't make a quote about how "heartbroken" you are.


cujo* 1 decade ago
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As much as I understand this quote, everyone has their own degree of definition to pain and love. You need to learn to accept that.
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Primadonna* 1 decade ago
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What I meant was that I think that people shouldn't make a quote about heartbreak just for the heck of it. One of my friends did that. I think that people shouldn't lie in their quotes.
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