Story Quote #6332421
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Something About This Guy Chapter 11 "Lauren! How could he!?"

Something About This Guy
Chapter 11

"Lauren! How could he!?" My mom looked at me, wide eyed.
"Mom, who knows? Anyways,who CARES! I'm done dealing with his non-sense."
"You're too good for him, anyways. He thought he had you wrapped around his finger. I'm proud that you stood up for yourself!" She said, trying to be supportive.
I nodded and slowly stalked away. I could feel my moms' eyes glued to my back as I walked out of the house. Jack was sitting in his car. Neither of us said a word..I climbed into his car as he drove away. Silenced filled the air. None of us knew where we were going or when we would stop.
Miles and hours later I shifted towards him. He slowed down and pulled over onto the side of the road. He kissed me, just as I was going to say something, he just kissed me.
Days ended up passing us by...but we never returned home. We stayed at hotels night after night. It was really nice to get away from it all and spend time with Jack.
Sitting on the couch and not looking at me, Jack closed his eyes and said, "Lulu, you're everything I want and everything I could ever need. Stay in my life?"
I could feel the temperature of my face rising and I was convinced that my face was bright red. I just cried, I let every emotion pour out of my being. I was as happy as a girl could be at a time like this.
"I love you, Jack. I always have. I'm sorry about everything. All the horrible things I've put you though, all the friend-zoning and fliting..You really are the kind of guy I need. I really am sorry." I practically begged.
It really felt great to let all that out.


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posted October 13, 2012 at 11:51am UTC tagged with story

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