Inspirational Quote #6323996
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As people, we must take action against the issue of bullying

   As people, we must take action against the issue of bullying because of Depression, self harm, and insecurity issues. It's a serious topic that people just let slip from their mind. It's not a joke, it's not even funny at all yet so many treat it as if it is.  It's unbelievable that the amount of damage that bullying causes remains unnoticed. You need to notice it, we ALL need to notice it. Most people don't understand that a temporary action could leave a permanent scar.
  20 percent of teens will experience depression before they reach adulthood.  Fifteen out of that twenty percent have depression due to bullying. Words that are said have an ever lasting affect on someone. Depression just doesn't disappear one random day.  A person could seem so happy but they could be going through so much more than anyone could ever imagine. The statistics say it's twenty percent, but that's just reported cases. So many people are keeping it to themselves because they're afraid of what people will think of them.  There's hundreds, maybe even thousands of people in the world who are dealing with depression
  Sixty-five percent of the kids who have self harmed have done it because they were bullied. What if you knew you were the reason behind the scars on someone's body?  The saddest part is a good portion of you wouldn't even care. Part of you aren't even listening to this right now, because you just don't care. Let this sink in, 1 in 5 teens have though about suicide, about 1 in 6 had plans for suicide, and more in twelve had attempted suicide in the last year due to bullying. “I don't think I was ever trying to kill myself but I knew that if I'd ever gone too far...I wouldn't care.” said, Demi Lovato, the teen pop star. The girl who basically has the world handed to her on a golden platter, she self harmed herself. Not only did Demi have cuts on her wrists, but she also attempted to starve herself. Demi came out and told everyone about her bullying story, and how she did these things to herself because of the things publicity, and haters were saying.  Even after people watched her reach out and get help, they still said rude, horrid, and unbelievable things to her. She got help, she's strong, but some people aren't. Not everyone can ask for help. The simple words you say can cause someone to do these things to themselves. Some times you say that you're just "joking". That joke where you called her fat? She starved herself. That joke when you told someone to go kill themselves? To them it wasn't a joke, they actually did what you said.  Now tell your joke still funny?
           I can guarantee you everyone in this room has at least one insecurity. I can guarantee you that at least ninety percent of you have this insecurity because someone pointed it out. Maybe someone's biggest insecurity is bigger than someone else's, but it's still harms the way you see yourself.  After someone points one thing out, you look in the mirror you see nothing but every single one of your flaws.  Right now, I'm scared to death to do this essay because I know you guys could be paying attention to any of my biggest flaws. Half of you are probably thanking God that you don't have a lisp, or screwed up teeth. Those are my biggest insecurities. Want to know why? Because through out the time period that I've had my speech impediment and my chipped tooth, I've had handfuls of insults thrown at me. One after another, people just seem to attack me for it. It's gotten to the point where I and so many others can say,"It's fine, I'm used to it." Isn't it sad, admitting that? You're used to being hurt, made fun of, and having to worry about someone saying something. No one should EVER be used to it. I nor anyone should be "used" to your constant words and looks of disapproval.

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posted October 9, 2012 at 10:25pm UTC tagged with inspirational

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