Story Quote #6279742
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Save You Tonight. Chapter Fourteen. A One Direction Fan-Fiction.

Save You Tonight

Chapter Fourteen.
A One Direction Fan-Fiction.

I felt Niall put his hands on my eyes a few minutes later. I slowed down walking, since I was nervous I might crash into something. "Can you uncover my eyes now?"
"Almost, be patient." he said.
"Now?" I whined.
"On three. One...Two...Three!"
He took his hands away, revealing a small beach before me. The sand was soft and dry; but the water seemed cool as it lapped against the shore. I gulped and blinked a little: the beach was not my favorite place to be. I was actually terrified of water.
"What are we doing here?" I wondered aloud.
"What do you mean? We're going to swim, silly," he said, removing his shirt. He folded it up and placed it on the sand, looking at me intently. He saw the worried look in my eyes and took my hand carefully. "Are you alright?"
"I'm afraid of water," I mumbled.
"Do you want to go back?"
"No, I'll live," I protested. I wasn't going to be the one to ruin the night.
He smiled sadly, and handed me a bathing suit, flip flops, and two towels. "Zayn got it for you."
"Thanks, I guess."
"Look, I know this isn't the best first date, but it'll still be fun. Alright?"
I nod, then hesitated when I started to change. "Could you maybe, not look?"
He laughed and turned around, sticking his hands in his pocket.
"I'm serious, Horan. Look at me and I'll kick you where the sun don't shine," I teased.
I began removing my dress, not once removing my eyes from him. I began stepping into the bathing suit when he looked at me, "Are you finished?"
"What the h*ll, Niall! I'm not done!" I squealed, covering my chest. I quickly put on the suit, while he blushed and murmured apologies. I set my clothes down on his, then proceeded to tackle him while he didn't look. I pounced on his back, my legs wrapping around his waist while my hands yanked at the strands on his hair.
He jumped; startled, while I clung to him. "What was that for?"
"For being such a pervert," I answered, hopping off him.
He rolled his eyes. "Wanna go in the water now?"
"No, thanks..."
"The water won't hurt you. I'll protect you, Jewel."
I thought for a moment, but nodded and trailed behind him as we walked to the shore. He offered his hand which I took, and I took my first steps into the water. Dizziness overcame me, but Niall held me tight, pulling me into his arms. "See, nothing to worry about."
I smiled weakly as we walked in deeper, the water slowly rising to our belly buttons. I felt okay,  to be honest. But that was before.
Niall leaned in, his lips almost finding mine, when a large wave came crashing towards us.


1 Comment

Jaymay 1 decade ago
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Ahhhh!!! Can you please update asap? (: <3
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posted September 23, 2012 at 3:44pm UTC tagged with story

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