Story Quote #6167750
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I hate being fat. I hate how mum and I used to be the same weight

I hate being fat. I hate how mum and I used to be the same weight and then she got cancer and went to hospital and got really skinny. And now I'm the fat one in the family. I'm the embarrassment. And I hate it. I'm not going to make myself throw up. I'm just going to starve myself. My family friend went 5 days without eating. Maybe I can do that too. 

1 Comment

lovenuggets200 1 decade ago
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I'm really sorry about your mom. But please don't starve yourself or throw up. Neither is healthy. Theres many healthy ways to lose weight. I struggle with my weight also, but I'm starting to lose weight. Talk to me and I'll help you(:
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posted August 17, 2012 at 11:24pm UTC tagged with story

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