Advice Quote #6108533
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Quote #6108533

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Isobel_Was_Here 1 decade ago
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what bullshit! gay marriage is allowed i get its your opinion but keep it to yourself!! people should be allowed to marry who they want! the bible also says that we aren't allowed to swear; eat fish so on..! and i know that you do do these things! its fine that's its your opinion but you need to acknowledge that what you said is wrong! (This isn't Isobel btw its her friend)
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sandnsmiles 1 decade ago
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If you were sexually attracted to a squirrel you wouldn't be allowed to marry it. Just because you feel sexually attracted toward something doesn't mean it's right.
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cfc15nick15 1 decade ago
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so you're going with what your bible says, yes? you think homosexuals should be stoned to death?
that doesn't sound very humane to me...
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lynskywalker 1 decade ago
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Im with you 100%
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izzydelacruzz 1 decade ago
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I'm not hating, just saying. Everyone should keep there opinions to themselves. No one needs this unnecessary hatred. Let it go. Homosexuality is not a sin,nor a disease. If you are such a Christian? Why are you judging. Isn't judging a sin? All im saying is, if you don't like gay marriage just keep it it to yourself... Or just don't even talk about it period. Problem solved.
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Bananabrains316 1 decade ago
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That's good for u.
But this is witty profiles, not "express your hatred for homosexuals/homosexuality Profiles"
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cookie16070 1 decade ago
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no one gives a f/ck stop posting this crap on witty cuz it really the only was to stop this "war" thingy
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Dawn 1 decade ago
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You named all the stereotypical reasons and of course--typical responses that I always see. I can't believe this is under advice too...see you can have your own opinion; everyone is entitled to it. But speaking out against someone having rights?..who isn't even hurting you...
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BlackAndWhite123 1 decade ago
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1.The bible isn't a textbook, it's guidelines.
2.Being homosexual isn't what you do, it is also who you are, you CAN'T F*CKING CHANGE THAT!
3.No offence, but that last line, "God CLEANSES", no f*cking need, bro. Homosexuals need to be cleansed just as much as women, blacks and the disabled do
4. And finally, I know and accept that you probably won't read this, but if you do: I'm not hating, I'm just saying that, in my eyes, you're wrong.
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Tridoma 1 decade ago
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I disagree with you. Being homosexual isn't what a person "does", it's what they are. Your religion may be against it, but there are many religions that aren't. I think that everyone should be for gay marriage, not only because all people deserve equal rights, but because there are also other benefits. For example, many gay couples will adopt children, since they can't have their own. The world is already overpopulated, and considering that the majority of the world is still straight, having gay marriage isn't going to change that much, if you're worried about the population. I don't see why you care so much. It's not like gay marriage is going to ruin your life. In my opinion, people that are preventing gay marriage are being cruel. You're a human, they're a human. What makes you so much better than them? Nothing.
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ellie366 1 decade ago
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ok so i'm an atheist, please don't hate, it's just my belief. one of the many reasons i am is this, the bible has many verses with insane stuff like homosexuality being a sin. and a lot of people who are christians say because the bible says this it's awful, but the bible also says eating shellfish is a sin. so do you think eating shrimp is sinful too??
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TheMalfoyChick 1 decade ago
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You have every right to your opinion, and every right to voice it. But you DON'T have the right to take away someone else's rights, just because you don't agree with them. That's like me telling you not to eat hamburgers because I'm a vegetarian.
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mikaylah44 1 decade ago
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I completely and totally agree with you, I'm against it too.
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swimgurrl 1 decade ago
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these people have the right to get married if they want to cause, you cant help who you fall in love with !
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trulyyours 1 decade ago
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i think if a gay person or gay supporter has the right to share their opinion, so does anyone who thinks otherwise. i support gay marriage, but that doesnt mean i think people against it cant speak freely.
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HannahLovesYou123 1 decade ago
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Yes, homosexualality is a sin, and yes there is bible verses that say that. But sins are forgiven, there are also verses that say that to. You know what else are sins? Lieing, saying gods name in vain, being anxious, being afriad of something, Exc. Don't tell me you've never done any of those. Some people are just born the way they are and they cant help it. Yes it is a sin. But they can't help those feelings like they can with other sins they commit. Also, I don't understand why people have to get in there personal bissness like that. Just let them do what they want. Yes homosexuality is a sin, but that's none of your bissness.
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Lukas_has_a_new_Witty 1 decade ago
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How does this effect you so much?
Gay people getting married, I mean?
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FR0G 1 decade ago
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It doesnt matter WHO you love it matters HOW you love. And this is coming from a frog. And all my friends- Gay marrige is just the same as stright or bi, u got that?
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pjmcc2 1 decade ago
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If you say you "Dont hate gay people" then what is the problem with them getting married? marriage is basically just the statement that the two people are going to be life partners.
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leahleahleah107 1 decade ago
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Please don't post stuff like this again. Yes, you have your opinion, an I respect that opinion. But you KNEW this was going
to cause drama and hate on witty.. Why would you want to add more of that? I don't think anyone should post about supporting or not supporting gay marriage because it causes issues no matter what your opinion. If you really feel so strongly about this go write it in a journal, or talk to your parents about it. You don't need to preach to witty about it, because it stirs up issues. You have the right to your opinion, but maybe you should think twice before you post things like this. Was it really worth resurfacing this never ending battle? Your quote will not change anyone's opinion, all it will do is cause comments. Lots and lots of comments. But if that's what you wanted, well I guess congrats then.
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posted August 3, 2012 at 2:27pm UTC tagged with advice

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