Vent Quote #5973701
all quotes · vent ·

j what do you do when someone you thought was your best freinds


what do you do when someone you thought was your best freinds is harassing you and turning your mutual freinds againist you? all because yuo made some new freinds that they had a huge misunderstanding with about something small and silly?

Format Credit to: AenslyLeon31/Whoatheree98


crazycat 1 decade ago
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thank you so much for your adivce you have no idea how much i apperciate have someone care and be on my side. just so you know if you ever need anything i'll be there. want to be buddies on witty? (:
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CCKITTY_0714 1 decade ago
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I have had this happen before..Just let go of those mutual friends. go for the new ones. You have already have had a bad rep with your old friends at least you have new friends now. Don't worry, but don't let your that best friend be your best friend again, and be extra careful when finding good friend..this should make you extra careful..hope this helps and tell me if you need more advice :)
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posted July 7, 2012 at 1:39am UTC tagged with vent

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