Vent Quote #5673911
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Quote #5673911

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ApplePieFlutterDashRariSparkle 1 decade ago
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I know exactly how you feel. My best friend is so amazing but she's always sad and starving herself cuz she thinks she's fat and she isn't and I try to tell her that she's beautiful but she won't listen to me and it's horrible because I hate to see her upset. Then she doesn't eat so she's hungry the rest of the day and I can HEAR her stomach growling and she's like, "I'm so hungry..." but she mutters it and I hear so I'm like, "You have to eat!" and she's all, "I'm not hungry though" and I just want her to eat because it's horrible to see her sad. She's really depressed about her home life too like a lot of stuff going on and she doesn't tell me everything (which is absolutely ok) but I just don't want her to have to go through anything alone and I wish I could help her. :( sorry
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posted May 10, 2012 at 6:23pm UTC tagged with vent

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