Inspirational Quote #5638896
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It's worth the read I promise I'm gonna share a little

It's worth the read I promise
I'm gonna share a little story with you .
I knew this girl .. She was the happiest person alive. She always smiled and
never let things get to her till one day that all changed.. It was Summer 2011 .
She met a guy .. we'll call him John . Now John seemed supper dupper sweet 
but that was all fake .. She slowly realized he wasn't what he seemed like he 
was a real d*ckhead . She cried over him..she promised herself she'd never cut
but she broke that promise one day .. She became so so addicted to cutting that
it took over..she started to become so depressed and only pointed out the bad in
her life. For several months she watched her life go by and missing out on all the
good things.. Finally she made a promise that in 2012 she wouldn't be depressed
she was still depressed till the end of March .. then she opened her eyes to all the 
good things she met some people that helped her out.. Now she's that happy girl
again ... She still has her depressed times.But she doesn't focus on that because
she knows it'll get better and she knows that she has a great life ahead of her.
That girl in the story is me.. Now I'm happy you can be too I promise you okaay?
If you ever feel like you aren't worth it or ever feel like you should just be dead come talk to me.. I'll help because i know exactly how it feels but it'll get better I can promise you that it will .. Never give up because you have a whole life ahead of you .. and if you did? It'd ruin more lives you mean something to people they'd be upset if you weren't here .. I'm here if you ever need to talk beautiful<3 (:


stay_strong819 1 decade ago
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How did you do it, how did you get better?
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xkeepshiningx 1 decade ago
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hi beautiful best friend. <333 (:
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4 Wittians like this



posted May 4, 2012 at 1:00pm UTC tagged with inspirational

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