Vent Quote #5556341
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This sounds so dumb but I feel so awful about myself that I want

This sounds so dumb but I feel so awful about myself that I want a puppy. I want a little gut who I can run with, who doesn't care about looks, and who will always love me. I feel so ugly and unloved and hated! I got called pretty a week ago by a guy and it meant the world to me. It was at fornightly and he said I looked so pretty. I felt amazing. Then today I got called ugly and that confidence I've had this past week died. Now I want to dye my hair and pile on make up so I look like those girls that are considered pretty. I wont do that though. It isn't me. Why do I do this to myself? Why do people do this to me? Why can't people be nice and not hate on each other. I thought things were going better this year they are not. My best friend is leaving me slowly but surely for the popular group I'm getting bullied again and I have no drive to do my school work. I want to move far away so I don't have to deal with people. Why can't I love myself? I need help. Serious serious help. I can't get it though, I don't want to dissapoint mom. Why was I born like this? Why did I allow other people to destroy my life. WHY CAN'T I GET BETTER?
Thanks to those that read this crazy vent

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Kiah Papaya*flyingbacon7Sunny1703


posted April 19, 2012 at 10:40pm UTC tagged with vent

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