Friendship Quote #5317016
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Long But so True.. READ L loosing your bestfriend at 13 years

Long But so True.. READ 


loosing your bestfriend at 13 years old is like loosing your favorite teddybear at 3 years old. it sounds different, but its a lot a like. your bestfriend means everything to can tell your best friend everything and they will be there for you. when your 3 years old, you can tell your teddybear anything and its safe with that little stuffed animal. you and your best friend do everything together, and you can bring your teddybear everywhere with you. but finally, when you loose your bestfriend or your teddybear, your sad, torn, mad, and you want to cry and throw a tantrum like 3 year old. but since im 13 and its not about my teddybear, i know that friends dont really last forever like you promise.. you need to move on and find different friends that will stay by you thick and thin no matter what.


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posted March 11, 2012 at 1:06pm UTC tagged with friendship

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