Story Quote #5212411
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Harry & Cara | Birthday Wishes | One Shot ♥ "I'm

Harry & Cara | Birthday Wishes | One Shot

"I'm really excited for my birthday tomorrow Harry, you have no idea!" I said to Harry through the phone.

"I know you are Cara, you've been going on about it for weeks." Harry laughed.

"But it's tomorrow." I said glancing at the calendar hanging on my notice board, where the words 'MY BIRTHDAY' were clearly marked on tomorrow's dates with heart and stars drawn around it thanks to Harry.

"I know I've been thinking of nothing else for weeks." Harry said sarcastically.

"Me neither!!" I sang, choosing to ignore his sarcasm. "Well dear Harrold, I should probably go to bed big day tomorrow and all that." I said sighing.

"No, no, don't go yet!" Harry protested. "I need to tell you something."

"Well go on then, I'm getting older!" I smiled, playing with the hem of my t-shirt with my free hand.

He paused for a moment, and then I could imagine him biting his lip. "It's your birthday tomorrow!"

Something told me that wasn't what he wanted to say, but I laughed before saying my final good-bye, clicking the disconnect button and crawling underneath the covers, awaiting tomorrow.

The morning had gone really well with my family, and now I was with my younger sister getting ready for my party. Only a few people had been invited, a few close friends and family, but I was getting really excited.

"It's not very day you turn seventeen." I explained to my thirteenyear old sister when she asked why I was excited. She rolled her eyes smiling as she ran a hand through the silky material of the dress that I was going to wear. Still brand new with the price-tag on and still hanging up on my door.

"This is beautiful," She laughed. "I'm sure you'll look gorgeous when.." She trailed off.
"When what? Jade, tell me!" I squealed thinking of surprises.
"Nothing." She said, brushing her gorgeous blonde hair.

"Cara, you look beautiful." Harry said as he entered the building.

"You don't look half bad yourself Harry," I grinned, pulling him into a hug.

"Oh why thanks," He smiled, adjusting his jacket -- making me laugh. "Look Cara, there's something I need to show you, or give you. Will you follow me?" He asked grabbing my hand. I nodded, and he led me out of building where my party was being held, and he led me down the footpath until we emerged on the beach.

"Harry, what are we doing on the beach? We come here almost all the time." I laughed, twirling around in the sand.

"Exactly why it's special." Harry said, taking both of his hands in his big, rough ones. He looked deep into my eyes, smiling. "Cara, there's something I need to tell you."

I giggled, "What is it?"

"I think I'm in love with you.." He said, he bit his lip and then grinned, as I was too stunned for words. His smile disappeared. "Cara? Say something?"

I shook my head grinning. "There's no need for any words." I reached up on tiptoes and crashed my lips to his. In that moment our worlds collided, fireworks exploded as our lips moved in sync. We broke away smiling.

"I'm definately in love with you." Harry laughed.

"Maybe, I'm in love with you too." I smiled, teasing him.

"What did you wish for, when you blew out your candles?" Harry questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"You." I beamed, pressing my lips to his once more.

What can I say? Wishes do come true♥

REQUEST YOURS -- Comment on my profile if you want one! :')
- One Direction | Justin Bieber | Harry Potter | The Wanted
- Scenario & Your Name! And I'll comment back when it's done! ♥


dancerdom1226 1 decade ago
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I just wanted to say, you are an amazing writer.
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xxlovelastsforeverxx 1 decade ago
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waiit is this a story?!
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posted February 25, 2012 at 11:44am UTC tagged with story

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